[New post] Forget goals– Try This Instead.  

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "Last year at work, we had a staff retreat to start the year. You know those "retreats"; the name is misleading as it's really just a day long meeting? Well needless to say, I wasn't exactly stoked about the whole experience. But before the retreat, we wer"

[New post] Running and life goals

Zoe posted: "I finally decided it was time to get back to my keyboard and to start writing again after having a couple of weeks of neglecting my blog. I hesitated and to be honest I have not been at all motivated to write the last few weeks with work commitments, gene"

[New post] The “I Don’t Have Time” Workout Solution

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "My oh my. Where has the time gone? I'll tell you exactly where the time went. The 4 month sleep regression. But now we're at six months so I don't think I can even use that as my excuse anymore. I think we are finally on a good path to some quality baby "