A Simplified Approach to Effective Fat Shredding

I've got a few exciting updates to share with you today....

First off congrats to one of my Online Coaching Clients, Alex Knowles, for this recent progress picture. I think you'll agree he's done a great job. In his best shape ever with masses of motivation to still push him even further. I'm looking forward to see what's in store, and I know he is too.

If you'd like the opportunity to be a part of The Fitness Maverick Coaching Program yourself, then you can book a free consultation using
THIS link

In other news I've had a few new articles drop over the past month. These are just a handful of my favourites, so go check them out if you fancy some weekend reading.

(New)A simplified approach to effective fat shredding workouts - thefitnessmaverick.com
(New)4 mistakes men make for a lean athletic body - thefitnessmaverickcoaching.com
Leave your ego at the door to get better results - breakingmuscle.com
3 essential mistakes to avoid for lean athletic abs - thefitnessmaverickcoaching.com
Breaking down post-exercise muscle soreness - breakingmuscle.com
How to stay strong and athletic in your 30's, 40's and beyond - consumerhealthdigest.com

I hope you have a weekend, and a super productive week ahead!

Your Coach, 
Gareth Sapstead MSc cscs
The Fitness Maverick
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