An exclusive limited time offer for Snap Fitness Members

Hello there from The Fitness Maverick and Snap Fitness MH! Some of you may know Maverick by his real name Gareth Sapstead, and he's got something we think you'll be interested in....

How would you like to get trained by The Fitness Maverick for just £60 per month? That's a whole month for around the cost of a single PT session with him at Snap Fitness....!!

Through his new Elite Distance Coaching Programme; You'll get fully customised workouts with video content straight to your phone or smart device via The Fitness Maverick App. Designed by him, specifically for the results that YOU want.

After an initial online consultation, within just a few days you'll receive a periodised and progressive training programme with easy access straight to your phone or smart device.

You'll also get:

- Customised Nutritional plans and Myfitnesspal integration via the App.

- The ability to track your results, and workout performance.

- And constant help, communication and tracking from your Coach to help keep you on track for big results.

No need to ever search for a new programme ever again, instead you'll be saving time and money AND be getting your workouts designed by one of the UK's leading Personal Trainers!

Find out more below, or get in touch at GETMEFIT@THEFITNESSMAVERICK.COM to get started on this limited time offer today.

Yours in fitness,
Gareth Sapstead - The Fitness Maverick

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You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

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The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
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