Workout idea of the Week and your FREE fat loss guide 


It's mid-week, so it's about time we inject some life back in to ourselves to get us over the little hump. And there's nothing better than smashing out a great workout to give you more energy and motivation for the rest of the week!

BATTLING ROPES are great for this! They're fun, there's loads of different exercises you can do on them if you're creative enough, and they're super effective at burning heaps of calories in a short space of time.


Here are 9 different ideas with Battling Ropes you could choose from in less than 40 seconds!
Battling Ropes are a form of High Intensity Training (HIT) and therefore are a great time saver to use as an alternative to traditional cardio, or even just to throw in at the end of your weights workout for a real heart raiser. Pick a battling rope variation (or mix it up) and start with just 5 sets of 20 second intervals, with 40 seconds of rest. So 5 minutes of all out effort. If that's too easy then either increase the amount of sets, increase the work intervals, or decrease the rest intervals, e.g.,
  • WEEK 1: 5 sets x 20's work/40's rest
  • WEEK 2: 5 sets x 30's work/30's rest
  • WEEK 3: 5 sets x 40's work/20's rest
While we're on the theme of calorie burning; I thought I'd also give you this guide to getting and staying lean for FREE. It's full of helpful advice that you'll use time and time again. and that's why I thought a handy little pdf download would make things easier for you to access. Enjoy!
Hope you find your motivation and achieve your goals this week!

Yours in fitness,
Gareth Sapstead - The Fitness Maverick
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