The harsh reality of online coaching, and things YOU need to know

Hey, Coach Gareth here.. a.k.a "The Fitness Maverick"...a.k.a "Mav"... a.k.a "you S.O.B" to some of my clients!

BIG NEWS: I'm offering new clients only, 7-Days completely free coaching as part of my Fitness Maverick Coaching Program.

I'm highly aware that many of you may not know what online Coaching is. And it's a concept you're going to hear about quite a bit in the next few years, so here's what you need to know about it (and how to avoid being sold to, or the buckets of bad coaches out there):
  • Online coaching is a way to train you 'online' via distance. I'm living in Australia right now, you might be in the U.K., no problamo!
  • This offers a variety of benefits including it often being much more cost effective than in-person training, and you can workout in your own time (no booking of PT sessions)
  • Unfortunately literally anyone can call themselves an online coach, as there's no industry regulation. So anyone that's, say, competed in a fitness competition now sells what they call "online coaching". Be aware of these fakes
  • Look for an online coach that is both qualified, insured, and has amassed years of real-world experience, before they've gone the online route. This is not their fault, there are many companies out there nowadays selling the idea to newbie personal trainers as a "get rich quick" scheme. They are being sold to by others, just as much as you are by them. 
  • Unfortunately I personally have a day to day battle competing with online coaches that are in reality terrible at their job, but excellent at marketing. This is my own problem since I spent years coaching real people (12 years and counting, I started at 18), honing my trade, becoming one of the most qualified and reputable trainers in the UK, and at the same time despising social media. 
  • The fact of the matter is online coaching when done properly is extremely time consuming, and hence I personally only work with a small number of people at once. I'm also extremely grateful for some of my first ever online clients who ALL still train with me today (Luke M, Luke S, Yvonne, Barbara, Callum, Gary, Michael, you know who you are :-).
  • Most online coaching programs will just send you a few generic pdf's and expect you to follow along. You might get an email from them once per week if you're lucky. That's bad coaching! At least 50% of my clients are those that have come from bad experiences with other trainers, and I find this really sad, as it's tainting the industry I love so much.
  • If you are one of my current clients you'll know what I mean when I say you have access to me anytime you want to, and you know I'm tracking your workouts and food daily through my own app you have on your phone. For any future online coaches my whole system initially cost me ££££ (and a lot of time, trial and error) but it's worth the investment for the return of results you see. 
  • If you're a personal trainer and think you want to become an online coach because it's easy and you can sit on a beach all day, then think again. If you truly care about your clients (and your business) it's hard work. e.g., I was awake at 5am this morning because I was worried about a client who has missed 5-workouts in a row, and having a hard time getting back on track after a holiday. If you don't care about your clients as much, maybe you'll find it easier. 
  • Because of the combination of me tracking every one of your workouts, the fact i'm constantly updating and designing the most effective plans, and throwing in the nutrition on top of that, means I can get better results out of you than just hiring a typical face-to-face personal trainer. And for a tiny fraction of the cost. It's a no brainer, right? WRONG.
  • In my opinion online coaching is only suitable for those that have a level of gym experience. If you're a complete beginner then i'm sorry but online coaching isn't for you. You'd be better off getting an in-person trainer to start you off slowly, and focus on technique. Whilst I send detailed instruction videos, via my app, I can't see you. You'll pay more for an in-person trainer, but it's worth having even 1-session a week with them if you're a complete beginner, before you think about any online coach or plan.
  • TRUTH BOMB...Online coaching isn't going to work very well for you if you're one for excuses. Why you can get to the gym, or why you can eat tasty healthy food. I can give you all of the personal advice and motivation in the world, heck if I have to call you every time come 9pm you're bored and craving a tub of ice cream, I will! But if changing your own bodies health and fitness isn't on your list of priorities right now, then there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. Figure out your priorities and achieving a healthy balance, then consider working with a trainer (online or in-person).

So after all that, here's the simple reason why I'm offering Online Coaching with me for a week FREE..... You've never tried it before, you don't know what it is (maybe I have given you a better insight now though), every fitness personality offers something similar (hopefully you know now it's not), and you're sceptical about whether it will work or not.

If you're one of the above people this isn't suitable for, and better suited to in-person training then please don't apply. I will happily give you a recommendation though. But if you really want to transform your body before the end of 2018, not sure where to get started, and want to see if this is the solution then i'd love to give you a whole week for free to see what it's all about.

What's to lose??? Simply book a phone consultation on the link below so we can chat about your goals. Hurry because consultation spaces are limited.

Your new plan starts Monday!
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