Wishing you a happy holidays with a few tips to finish the year strong

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

Wishing you a happy holidays with a few tips to finish the year strong! 

We eat more, we drink more, we skip the gym to prioritise friends and family, any why not!? That's what this time of year is for. It's 9 days between Christmas Eve and New Years Day, and those days make up just 2.5% of the entire year! In context that's nothing, especially if you've been on-it throughout the year. If you take that time to drink and be merry instead of hit the gym and drink protein shakes then it's no big deal. This fitness guy told you to have fun so please do :-) 

But a reminder for afterwards.... because I know you're already thinking it....

The next enrolment for the TFM Coaching program will kick-off Thurday 27th Dec until Saturday 6th Jan. If you're looking to truly reach some fitness and body goals in 2019 I'd love to make that happen for you when you're ready. As always only a limited number of spots will be available to work with me, so please don't hesitate when the time comes.

Take care and Happy holidays!



LEAN CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCE. I thought i'd share with you one of my most popular recipes from the entire year. If you feel like something that feels a little naughty, but with much less guilt then these are some of my favourite to make. It's no wonder why these were so  popular as it literally requires throwing 5 ingredients together in a blender! Just make sure you under cook them for a moreish gooey texture. Find the quick recipe HERE.


Trying to build muscle without losing fat first, adopting the Pro Bodybuilder mindset, and letting the ego take charge; these are just some of the common traps that more men than women fall in to.Check out the latest article for Breaking Muscle, to find out why these mistakes are holding you back from your true potential. Read more HERE.


Here's a simple workout you can do from home over the holidays with nothing but a small resistance band, and a chair or step. This will fire up your glutes and core, burn a few calories and help open out your hips in around 20 minutes. Complete the following as a circuit for 2-4 rounds. Click the exercise to access the video.

A1) Banded Clam Raises - 6-10 each side, rest 15's
A2) Superman Plank Step-Up - 8-12 step-ups, rest 15's
A3) Banded Glute Frog Pumps - 20-30 reps, rest 15's
A4) Reverse Crunch - 12-15 reps (3-4 second lower), rest 15's
A5) Seated Band Abduction - 20-30 reps, rest 120's, repeat.
Yours in strength and health,
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