TFM Weekly Highlights

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

For today's newsletter, I thought I would introduce you to my new approach to content for 2019. Yes it's a little early talking about new years resolutions, but the sooner you start the sooner you build a new habit, right?

My coaching style has always been to give the biggest bang in the smallest amount of time. I cut out 'randomness', and bring meaning and purpose to my client's training and nutrition. That's why it produces measurable results. 

In 2019 my goal is to provide the same with my content. From my writing for various websites and magazines to a simple post on social media, it needs to provide the most information, meaning, and purpose in as little time as possible. 

That's where this new style of newsletter comes in. Instead of weekly 'randomness' from me (albeit useful stuff...hopefully!!), this new format will be a simple highlights reel from the previous week. Much shorter, much simpler, and you pick what interests you and what doesn't.

I hope you like the new format.

Yours in strength and health,


The most value-driven piece of content you can not afford to miss
I developed THIS easy to use online calculator to find the EXACT calories and macros YOU need to hit your body goals. I can guarantee you will not find a more accurate calculator on the net, that determines your macronutrient recommendations based on the most up to date research. I'm always adjusting my client's macros when I need to, as it's just as much of an art as it is an exact science. But the numbers you'll get from this are a fairly accurate starting point (note: please do not add your email address in on this page as you are already on my mail list). Click the pic to access.


A client sharing their own success or progress that deserves recognition

Holly has been a part of the TFM family for just 5 weeks now. Whilst I'm sure you will agree that Holly was in aspirational shape before starting the program, this 4.5 week progress picture she shared earlier this week really showed next level progress. Can you believe she was hesitant to share this!? You can follow Holly on her own fitness journey on Instagram HERE.


The most read article from the week

Your body doesn't care how hard you sweat, how hard you've worked, or how sore you are, unless you're sending it the right messages. The abdominal muscles are exactly the same as any other muscle in that respect.

Check out THIS article I wrote for Breaking Muscle.


Goblet Squat 28's. Try this pretty brutal lower body exercise as an effective finisher to your next leg workout. Goblet squats are a suitable lower body exercise even for complete beginners, since where the load is placed allows even the most squat 'handicapped' to achieve good depth. Use the 28's method as a muscle building technique, or part of a fat loss protocol.
Yours in strength and health,
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