6 Cable Chop variations to hit your obliques

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

Last week I shared with you a Kneeling Cable ab crunch, and how to correctly perform them. While cable ab crunches are indeed an effective abdominal builder, they largely target the rectus abdominis - they fail to hit your obliques as effectively.
If you're looking to achieve an athletic-looking midsection then training your obliques is a must. The most effective movements will require some form of trunk rotation or lateral flexion. Of these exercises Cable Chop variations are some of the most effective. For sport they also have a great transfer to performance.
To whip your obliques in to shape, prioritise a few sets of one of the Cable Chop variations I share with you below at the start of your workouts - yes, the start!
If you want abs they shouldn't be an afterthought at the end of your workouts. 2-3 sets of around 10-15 reps will do the trick. And remember, above all else consistency is key so stick at it for at least a few weeks.


A horizontal Cable Chop tends to be where I start most of my clients when trying to master these types of moves. I'd recommend you do the same. Typically the hardest part to grasp is the weight shift and action of the back leg and foot. Notice how my back side heel is leaving the floor, somewhat similar to a cricket shot, golf swing, or even a boxer punching.
Notice in the video also how my stance is fairly open and wide. This will allow you to handle a little more weight, while also not being limited by your potential lack of hip internal rotation on the lead leg. Although feel free to play about with your foot position and stance to suit your own body type.


In a low to High Chop the cable is set anywhere between the floor and knee height. The Chop is from a low to high direction, which places a little more emphasis on loading the back leg while weight shifting in a more vertical direction.
For this reason it's a good way to teach a 'whipping' action - a force transfer from lower to upper body. A golf ball, or a tennis ball could be on the end of that whipping action, so if you're involved in any of these sports then this is a good option for you. You'll get some pretty defined obliques and shoulders as a result too.


The fundamentals here are the same as the horizontal variation. Difference being the cable is set high and the angle of Chop is to a low position outside of your hip on the offside. Because of this change you'll get some trunk rotation combined with a little more trunk flexion. A Low to High Cable Chop can be a good option if you'd like to improve your martial arts skills, or for sports like rugby. It's also a good all round abs chiseler.


This is my go-to choice for anyone struggling to feel their mid-section working during chops. By bringing the cable close to your body, your arms no longer become the limiting factor they may have been before. It'll also allow you to handle more weight, which inherently your entire core will have to deal with.
A 'tight' Cable Chop can be done stood or kneeling in various positions. Have a play about and see what feels good. The standing position shown in the video is a good start.


This is one of my favourite variations. I'm angled a little more towards the cables. This combines all the benefits of the Low to High Chop, but a great option to keep your core training interesting while varying muscle emphasis and direction of movement.


Anything in a half Kneeling position does a great job at challenging those lower body and hip stabilisers, while also helping 'open' your hips out.
If these sound like things you could be working on then these are a good option for you. Prone to low back pain? Then this is a good place to start also. Earn the right to progress to standing variations by starting in a kneeling position first!
If you have questions about anything I've touched on today then feel free to reply to this email. For more specific coaching from me check out all the benefits my Online Coaching Program has to offer, as well as client success stories HERE.
Have a great weekend!
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