Healthy Sticky Date Pudding with a Bangin' caramel sauce

Happy Hump Day! Hope the thought of making this healthy sticky date pudding recipe this weekend will be something to look forward to :-)

I'm making a lot of recipes lately, and getting more adventurous with them. It just wouldn't be fair of me not to share with you this most recent recipe that absolutely blew my mind. It's a healthy version of a sticky toffee pudding. Since I'm a sticky toffee pudding fiend, it's something I've messed around with a few times now to get it spot-on. The mix is quite a wet one, but it works to keep the pudding all moist and fudgey. With the absolutely bangin' sauce this recipe is a winner with adults and kids alike. You wont even know its healthy ;-).

I'm giving you this recipe in a different way this time. I've thrown it on to a printable pdf for you, in a way that explains the ingredients and cooking process as simply as possible. 

Hope you have a great week!
Interested in Distance Coaching with The Fitness Maverick? Kindly reply to this email for a personal response, or find out more below :-) 
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You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

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As you'll know I offer a fully customised Distance Coaching service, delivered via my own App. Because these are custom plans, I offer them at a premium price of £60 every 4 weeks.

However this premium service isn't for everyone. Not everyone would like to have the commitment of paying £60 every 4 weeks, or you might not quite be ready to guarantee the hard work and effort I expect from my 1-2-1 distance coaching clients – because trust me I know when you're missing workouts, and you'll know it from me😉

This is why I'm now offering THE FITNESS MAVERICK EVOLUTION daily video trainer, as an option for those that aren't quite sure about taking the plunge in to the more intensive 1-2-1 stuff. And great news; IT'S JUST £19.99 A MONTH!


But here's the catch, the first week for free STARTS THIS MONDAY 29th. I want all of you to start at the same time so I can progress you all through the programme together. I don't want anyone missing out or starting late. You'll also only be able to join this programme every 4 weeks.

No commitments, nothing, just a chance to see if you like the programme, and how it's delivered via the App, before you decide to commit to any monthly payments.

So, programme starts Monday 29th but nothing to pay until Monday 5th. Or easily cancel before the 5th and no big deal, you've had a free week as my gift to you.

There's nothing to lose, and only free workouts to gain for a week!

Who's the programme for?
For guys that are bored with their training, or not getting the results they feel they deserve. They want a quick and easy solution, that won't break the piggy bank!

Why this programme?
Expert guidance from a UK leading personal trainer, for less than the cost of a gym membership. 1-2-1 distance coaching with The Fitness Maverick costs £60 every 4 weeks, and 1-2-1 Personal Training can cost £1k per month! If you value your time, your money and your fitness goals this is a no brainer. Just £19.99/month $27.95 USD or $35 AUD
  •  Access The Fitness Maverick Coaching App
  •  Initial 12 week programme
  •  Training periodised and evolved every 4-week cycle
  •  Workouts 6 days a week, but you choose what you ca commit to
  •  Quality video content
  •  Nutritional template for lean muscle gain
  •  Online coaching and advice available daily
  •  Learn new exercises and more efficient ways to train
  •  An online fitness community of like-minded people.
JUST £19.99/Month

Just kindly reply to this email and I'll guide you through the set-up 😊
Your trainer, Gareth
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
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As you'll know I offer a fully customised Distance Coaching service, delivered via my own App. Because these are custom plans, I offer them at a premium price of £60 every 4 weeks.

However this premium service isn't for everyone. Not everyone would like to have the commitment of paying £60 every 4 weeks, or you might not quite be ready to guarantee the hard work and effort I expect from my 1-2-1 distance coaching clients – because trust me I know when you're missing workouts, and you'll know it from me😉

This is why I'm now offering THE FITNESS MAVERICK EVOLUTION daily video trainer, as an option for those that aren't quite sure about taking the plunge in to the more intensive 1-2-1 stuff. And great news; IT'S JUST £19.99 A MONTH!


But here's the catch, the first week for free STARTS THIS MONDAY 29th. I want all of you to start at the same time so I can progress you all through the programme together. I don't want anyone missing out or starting late. You'll also only be able to join this programme every 4 weeks.

No commitments, nothing, just a chance to see if you like the programme, and how it's delivered via the App, before you decide to commit to any monthly payments.

So, programme starts Monday 29th but nothing to pay until Monday 5th. Or easily cancel before the 5th and no big deal, you've had a free week as my gift to you.

There's nothing to lose, and only free workouts to gain for a week!

Who's the programme for?
For guys that are bored with their training, or not getting the results they feel they deserve. They want a quick and easy solution, that won't break the piggy bank!

Why this programme?
Expert guidance from a UK leading personal trainer, for less than the cost of a gym membership. 1-2-1 distance coaching with The Fitness Maverick costs £60 every 4 weeks, and 1-2-1 Personal Training can cost £1k per month! If you value your time, your money and your fitness goals this is a no brainer. Just £19.99/month $27.95 USD or $35 AUD
  •  Access The Fitness Maverick Coaching App
  •  Initial 12 week programme
  •  Training periodised and evolved every 4-week cycle
  •  Workouts 6 days a week, but you choose what you ca commit to
  •  Quality video content
  •  Nutritional template for lean muscle gain
  •  Online coaching and advice available daily
  •  Learn new exercises and more efficient ways to train
  •  An online fitness community of like-minded people.
JUST £19.99/Month

Just kindly reply to this email and I'll guide you through the set-up 😊
Your trainer, Gareth
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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I was knocking these up today before heading off to do a little outdoor workout in one of the parks in Melbourne, and wondered why the heck people try to over confuse recipes, healthy ones in particular...

Maybe it's because some chefs or foodie writers want to seem smarter or something, but personally I think it just scares people off from trying the recipes!

I personally also don't have the time and patience to put together some recipes, and that's why I try to make recipes as hassle-free (and washing-up free!) as possible.

Healthy food should be easy, but not boring! This recipe is super simple, super tasty and definitely not boring. These chocolate fudge squares are refined sugar free, gluten free, and offer a good hit of protein and healthy fats. This recipe should make 8-10 squares with all the chocolate sauce you could ever need:

Cake Ingredients:

  • 125g melted Butter (grass fed or organic, unsalted)
  • 1.5 cups Almond Meal/Ground Almonds
  • 1/2 cup raw Cacau Powder
  • 4 whole Eggs (free range or Omega 3 enriched)
  • 1/3 cup pure Maple Syrup or Date Nectar

Sauce Ingredients:

  •  1 cup organic Coconut Cream
  • 2TBS pure Maple Syrup
  • 2TBS raw Cacau Powder

The EZ Method:

  1. Preheat your oven to 180c, and line your baking tin with greaseproof.
  2. Literally just throw all the cake ingredients together in a bowl and mix until consistent and smooth.
  3. Pour the mix in to the tin and bake in the oven for around 20mins or until a toothpick comes out the cake clean.
  4. For the sauce blend the 3 ingredients together then add to a saucepan gently heating for 2 minutes.
  5. Cut in to 8-10 squares and serve with raspberries or strawberries.
  6. Pour the molten chocolate sauce and enjoy, without the guilt :-)
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Interested in Distance Coaching with The Fitness Maverick? Kindly reply to this email for a personal response, or find out more below :-) 
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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