I'm gifting you a free 2-week abs training programme😀

Gooood morning!

I've decided to put together a 2 week abs specific training plan for people that are still struggling with getting their abs back after the New Year's break. And yes I'm giving it away for free, so keep reading if you'd like to get your hands on it. I'm actually going to hook you up with my App for free too, because I want to deliver the programme to you as efficiently as possible. Obviously you won't be getting the custom distance coaching service through it, but you'll be able to perform this awesome 2-week abs plan I've just put together. Plus the app has a few other cool functions too, so you can continue using it after the 2-week core plan is up.


Now we all know it's a lot to do with nutrition and getting back on the food plan (we can talk about this another time), but as far as sorting out your ab training needs go; I've got your back here.




You're going to be using this programme as an add-on to your current workouts. I've designed it to save you as much time as possible, by bolting it on to the beginning or end of your current workouts. It's just 2 exercises a day, 5 days every week, for 2 weeks. Its for people that have access to a gym only, and I'd advise complete beginners that it may be too difficult a programme for you, so please be aware. You'll find all the information in the App and instructions on how to do the plan. Each day has two different exercises specifically designed and structured throughout the week to hit your core in the most effective efficient way possible.




You'll be training your abs with a super high frequency for just 2 weeks. That's because the abdominal muscles respond best to high frequency for a few weeks, then a short week or two off from direct ab training. You can train your abs a few days a week quite consistently throughout the year and make good progress, but super high frequency (i.e., nearly every day but only 1-2 exercises) cycled in with your training every month works best. This is due to the function and muscle fibre make-up of the abdominal muscles, hence why a slightly different approach to other muscles is required.


Anyway, if you want this programme it's yours. I just need you to kindly respond to this email so I have your email address. Say anything you like in the email, I just need your email address to send through the App invite and set-up link. No catches, just ab gains on me 😊I'll aim to get back to you with the set-up link within 24 hours.


Look forward to hearing from you, and hearing about the results from you guys in a couple of weeks!


P.s., Teaser video below. Some exercises you might be doing ;-) 


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