My last email from the UK😊

For those that don't know already, today I'm off. I'm moving to Melbourne Australia to start the next phase of my own journey as a Personal Trainer.

Snap Fitness members will get to know my little Bro, Ryan, who has taken over my 1-2-1 Coaching clients. These are the people that I've worked with on a daily basis for literally years most of them, and the've become more than just clients to me. So leaving them was a big deal, but I know I'll be leaving them in good hands☺️

My distance coaching programme has been a great success so far since it's launch a few months ago, and will continue to expand over the next few months. I've got lots of useful articles, tips and tricks in the pipeline that I'm going to be making sharing with you my full time job (on top of some time spent on the beach of course ;-)).

Thank you to everyone at Snap fitness, my fitness family, and all of the members, and I hope to see you in the future. 

Thank you for your continuing support, and look forward to sharing lots of fitness stuff from Oz. 



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