The 6 Most Important Steps to Reduce Your Life Stressors...

This guest article clicked with me a lot, and I'm sure it will you too. We've all been there and experienced life stresses, and that feeling of being overwhelmed. The mind is such a powerful thing when it comes to your own health and fitness, and it's easy to let it spiral out of control sometimes.

Good friend and Owner of the Holistic Hub Perth, Yasmin Eve, shares some of the most important steps you can take today to reduce your life stresses, and develop a healthier mind and body. 

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did, and above all take some positive action on it.

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The one question I get asked the MOST

"What is online coaching?" - That's the no.1 question I get asked every week from non-clients, more than any fitness or nutrition related question. And it's a good question, since there's so much confusion out there, and lets be honest a lot of over promising on results etc within the health, fitness and supplement industry (which I HATE with a passion by the way!).
So, you've heard of the 90 Day Body Upgrade Program and how it's helped so many like you step up their fitness game, and get REALISTIC results. So because I want an opportunity to change your mind about the fitness industry promising you want it cant often deliver, and PROVE that if you are looking for a solution to help you achieve your body goals once and for all;
I'm offering a 7-DAY FREE TRIAL to show YOU what it feels like to be Coached for real by me, and why it WORKS. No commitment, just a trial for me to show you what I already know... It's the bees knees!

Book your consultation today, and let's chat!
Look forward to it.

Check out the results
I'm ready, book a consultation!
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

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Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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The Fitness Maverick · Market Street · South Melbourne · Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205 · Australia

A "Less Naughty" one-pan cookie

This "Less Naughty" One-Pan Cookie is the ultimate weekend treat when dieting for fat loss, or a perfect muscle building dessert. Proven to jack-up testosterone levels with just one bite 😉 Or increase sex drive with just one spoon of its gooey centre…

Check out the Recipe

Have a great weekend, and just remember that I did warn you about the "moreish-ness" of this cookie before you made it ;-) Enjoy

Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
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South Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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The Fitness Maverick · Market Street · South Melbourne · Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205 · Australia

I really wish I'd done this sooner...

Hey - I hope you've made a great start to your weekend.

If you haven't, or if you want to upgrade your health and fitness learning, then you'll be sure to love my new project: "BODY UPGRADE HOUR WITH THE FITNESS MAVERICK"

That's my brand new podcast available on all major podcast platforms (Apart from Apple!! As they take up to 3 weeks to approve!!), so you can now have me talk your ear off and give you lots of useful tips and tricks while you're driving, you're walking to work, you're sat on public transport, or whenever you have time to press GO and start learning. So far there's already three available episodes, which I'm sure you'll love.

So many ideas to help you get fitter, become more productive, look younger, and get in great shape.

So please be sure to check them out, subscribe, and leave some feedback if you can. You can also reply directly to this email with any questions you'd like me to address on the next podcast. 

Listen on Spotify
Listen on Google (Android only)
Listen on Stitcher

Have a great weekend and happy listening!

Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
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Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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