Muscle Building Snack Bars and a How to Build Yourself Bulletproof

This weekend I'm giving you something to make and something to listen to.

So if you're looking for your next healthy snack idea that's packed with the right kind of fuel for your body, take a look at my
BANANA-OAT SNACK BARS. And whilst you're making them why not have a listen to my latest podcast on "HOW TO BUILD YOURSELF BULLETPROOF". I cover the idea of 'joint-friendly' training and how you can build muscle, lose fat and improve athletic performance without beating up your body.

You can join me free on
SPOTIFY, iTUNES or  GOOGLE podcasts. If you don't have these platforms or don't know what a podcast is (why not!?) you can listen on The Fitness Maverick website HERE.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Your Coach, 
Gareth Sapstead MSc cscs
The Fitness Maverick
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[New post] Give the gift of health and fitness.

ACE MORGAN FITNESS posted: "Gift certificates for everyone. 90 day challenge Individual sessions Packages "

[New post] Exciting New Program: 30 Day Health Boost

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: " Hello out there! I cannot believe that we are officially in the holiday season, with Thanksgiving just a few days away now. I am coming to you today with some HUGE news , and if you ask me, it's coming at just the perfect time! Because with the holida"

Looking for a tasty meal prep idea?

If you're looking for your next meal prep idea, I've got your back this weekend with these 100 calorie sweet potato brownies. Now you might be thinking sweet potato is a bit weird to have in brownie form, but you'd be wrong. These work on so many levels, and best of all are super easy to make. Check out the recipe link (with video) below and give them a try.

Have a great weekend!

Your Coach, 
Gareth Sapstead MSc cscs
The Fitness Maverick
100Kcal Sweet Potato Brownies
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to receiving emails from The Fitness Maverick.

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The Fitness Maverick
Market Street
South Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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The Fitness Maverick · Market Street · South Melbourne · Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205 · Australia

[New post] Stressed out?

ACE MORGAN FITNESS posted: " In my 13 years as a personal trainer, people walk into a session either stressed out or at a bottom in their lives, at a bottom with weight loss or in their personal lives outside of physical fitness. I have never heard a client say "I feel terrible," "