Perfect your pull with the best chin-up grip

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Today i'm going to show you how to progress your chin-ups correctly, but first an opportunity...

Just once a month I open up a few spots to work with me personally from anywhere in the world. If you live in the UK, US, Australia or literally anywhere else in the world you can work with me 1-2-1 via my distance coaching program.

Now IS that time! Right now it's your chance to take the guess work out of your training and nutrition, and let me guide you step-by-step to achieve your physical potential. Simply reply to this email to get the free consultation process rolling, or check out THIS PAGE to find out more and get in contact from there.

You'll hear nothing more from me on this subject, as i'm a firm believer that if you're ready you shouldn't need to be told about it again (over-advertising bugs me so i'm sure it bugs you too).

If you've thought about it or you're on the edge then now's the time to test me and try my services for yourself. If this is you then I look forward to hearing from you, otherwise please enjoy my favourite content from this week.

Yours in strength and health,


The most value-driven piece of content you can not afford to miss
Which chin up grip is best? Here's how to pick the right chin-up grip, and how to progress this key exercise for optimal strength and size development. CHIN-UP ARTICLE LINK HERE (with exercise videos)


Within my own coaching practice, I find the neutral grip chin-up to be the best place for my athletes and clients to spend most of their chin-up time. After you master the basic variation shown in the video (albeit i'm showing it weighted), you can progress them using a variety of techniques and body angles (e.g., neutral leaning chin-ups, neutral sternum chin-ups, accentuated eccentrics etc.).

To find out more about chin-up progression and why you might include this within your own workouts check out the full article HERE.


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