6 new exercises for pain-free shoulder training

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Hey - Gareth here!

Hope you've started your weekend on the right track.

Don't judge, but most of the time mine start with a bacon and egg sandwich. A few slices of lean bacon, and an egg fried in 1-calorie spray, all sandwiched between some wholemeal sandwich thins. Not just one of them, but two...or maybe three!

It's my guilty pleasure. Although I enjoy it guilt-free.

I say this not to gloat about my bacon and egg sandwich (although they are pretty good!), but to show you that even during my own mini fat loss phase that's happening right now, I can still enjoy stuff like this.

You should be able too, and it's easy when you know how. Remember, if YOU want me as your Trainer or know anyone that might need the guidance all you have to do is fill out THIS form (it's for both worldwide online and in-person coaching). For current clients you get a 25% discount for EVERY referral too. Just forward them THIS form to fill out and I'll get back to you or them ASAP.  

Anyway, on to this week...

I've been featured in 7 different websites since we last spoke, including T-Nation a couple of times as well as Muscle and Strength. I'm sharing a few of these with you today that I think you'll benefit from.

I hope you enjoy. If you have any questions please feel free to reply to this email. And, if you're going to ask what sauce I used in my bacon sandwich then the answer is brown.



Shoulders feeling a little banged up? THESE exercises allow you to train them pain-free so you can keep the progress coming.


Learn how you can utilize this foundational exercise to build a stronger back. See the exercises HERE.
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