Need someone to tell you EXACTLY what to do?

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

Hey there!

I want to share an important lesson with you, something that you might need to hear. That is, if you truly want to get out of the hole you're down right now and start making REAL progress.

I've just started my own preparation for an upcoming summer holiday. Nothing too fancy, but it's for a week in the sunny Palma (Mallorca). I'll be there the last week of August, so if you're there too feel free to hit me up for some sangria and a workout.

Anyway, I want to make sure I feel confident on the beach and of course feel that I deserve all the ice cream and cocktails I'm going to be eating. And trust me a lot of that'll be going down.

My own preparation got me thinking.  I personally stay in relatively lean shape throughout the year. At any point I like to feel I look good naked, could compete for strength with the powerlifters, and be able to run away from zombies if ever required. All while remaining injury and pain free. I choose to be a jack of all trades.

I train anywhere between 4-6 days a week to maintain this, and I eat a healthy balanced diet year-round. My approach keeps it fun and sustainable.

BUT, and that's a BIG BUT; I make very little progress because I'm not always programming my workouts or sticking to a consistent routine. Afterall I'm not competing in anything, and I choose to maintain a certain level of overall fitness because I enjoy it.

When it comes to game time though, things change. Game time for me started 2 weeks ago, and basically involves me treating myself like I'm one of my own clients. I program for myself, I set up a nutrition plan that I stick to, and I monitor my progress. By doing this I manage to increase strength by 1-2% each workout and see changes in my body shape on a weekly basis. It's easy when you know how.

I feel leaner, look bigger in the right places, and have more energy. And remember these aren't newbie gains either, this is coming from someone who has been training since they were about 15 years old. Being in my 30's and having zero pain I see as a massive win too.

Speaking of being on the beach, here's a progress picture just sent to me this week from client Alex De Paula. At 38 he's in his best shape ever (even after the stress of just completing his MBA at the University of Florida), and able to pull of a Daniel Craig 007 moment. I think you'll agree a pretty impressive feat!

What you may be interested to hear is that I'm spending no more time each week on any of these things. Apart from my own programming which I'm doing for my coaching clients anyway, I'm spending no more than 4-5 hours a week in the gym. While the food only requires a few tweaks and a little extra tracking.

Anyway, what got me thinking was the fact that there are thousands of you out there trying to do the same thing. Whether it's for a holiday, a special event or just a complete lifestyle overhaul. You're spending hours upon hours at the gym every week and not seeing that progress you deserve. There's nothing worse than spending months in the gym only to realise your body or strength hasn't changed one iota.

It's frustrating when you finally get your body stats checked again or look over previous workouts you see zero change. It's no wonder why people lose their motivation.

You've spent your time in Facebook fitness groups seeing what others are doing, and even tried to educate yourself on some of the science of training. You thought you we're doing everything right (based off what you've seen or read) and BOOM you've just been hit with a giant turd sandwich.

Weeks and months in the gym and based on your progress it was a complete waste of your time. Time you could have spent with your family, playing X Box or watching Game of Thrones. Depressing, right!?

What now tends to happen is you now spend even more time pondering the internet and various groups to find answers. Maybe you swap your German Volume Training routine for a Dorian Yates HIT program. Maybe you switch from a Paleo diet to Keto. Maybe you pay for an app so you can "train like Thor" or some marketing nonsense like that.

Maybe you'll even see some changes for the first few weeks, only to repeat the cycle again or persevere plod-on and expect different results.

This is a never-ending cycle that'll repeat for as long as you let it – trust me, I've pulled many people out of this cycle.

For someone like myself that's accumulated the experience to know EXACTLY how to do things, it's easy for me to make progress when I really want to. Providing I treat myself as one of my own clients, that is.

I know what to be looking for and whether my program is working. I know what needs to be manipulated in order to see consistent and steady results. I know what to do and what to expect. I've led many clients down the same path.

Here's a recent progress picture from online client Hannah. I cant teach you how to pull off the impressive pole competition moves that Hannah can, but I can help YOU achieve similar body transformation success she achieved in 4-months of consistency.

For many others lacking this experience or extensive research hours there's no one to guide them, to show them the way. This might be you.

I'm offering to show you the way, and with my 1-2-1 Online Coaching program I can be your trainer from anywhere in the world and on your time. I'm super excited to be able to offer it to you, too.

So, the question is what's holding YOU back?

Time? Changing your physique takes less time than you think, less hours in the gym than you're probably already spending, and less hours wasted trying to research the so-called best methods. Spoiler alert you won't find it in a generic cookie cutter program. I can help you figure out the best methods for YOU.

Money? Granted, 1-2-1 training with someone like me can cost you £££ every week. But working with me 1-2-1 Online allows you to train with someone like me from anywhere in the world and at a tiny fraction of the cost. I can tell you EXACTLY what to do and walk down that road with you for less than the cost of a tub of protein powder every few weeks!

In the long run just think about the cash you'll save too. Much of this in the first month when I overhaul your supplement addiction and help you stop wasting your cash on what you don't need, and focus you in on what you do need.

Ego? Roughly 50% of my in-person clients are fully qualified and practicing Personal Trainers. Many have studied and have been training others for years. They know what they're doing, more-so than little Timmy giving you advice over Facebook.  Yet, they've put their ego aside to be told what to do, by me.

So, if you're someone who values their time, their money and can put their ego aside then consider this…

How would you like me to tell you EXACTLY what to do? No more guesswork, and all you'd need to do is what I tell you? You'll save time, you'll save ££££ in the long run, and best of all you'll be getting the results you deserve.

Work with me 1-2-1 in my successful Online Coaching program and I promise the only thing you'll regret is not starting sooner. I've started mine already, and online clients of mine like Alex and Hannah started theirs long ago. Don't wait until next summer.

If you want to see some more results you can find them HERE, but I'm sure by now that if you've seen my work you don't need convincing that my methods produce results.

If you're looking for some bodybuilding prep coach who'll screw you up (structurally, hormonally, mentally), then I'm not your man.

If you're seeking some trainer with celebrity status who doesn't train real people or who'll never actually talk to you, then I'm not your man either.

BUT, if you want to finally put yourself in the hands of one of THE most reputable trainers in the game, then I AM that man.

I want to be YOUR Trainer – Are you in?

Click on the image below to fill out an application form for my 1-2-1 Online Coaching program. I'll be in touch as soon as I can to see if you're a good fit. I look forward to it.


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