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Two butt-building exercises you should try!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Everyone needs a strong butt. Whether you're looking for improved athletic performance (or bedroom performance!), a more resilient and pain-free back, or to just add some extra junk in the trunk; training your glutes (heavy) is a must.

Of all glute exercises glute bridges and hip thrusts rule as King and Queen. If you've been doing these for some time though, you'll want some more advanced exercises to keep your progressing.

Today I'm sharing with you an advanced technique I've had a few of my online and in-person clients experimenting with lately. They're called 'Isometronics', and using them with hip thrusts has brought some great results. I wrote about them at HERE.

Second, here's something from my instagram this week. It shows how I've set up in the Smith Machine to perform heavy frog pumps. Click the video to view, or access the instagram post HERE. If you're not already following me on instagram be sure to give me a follow too, for the latest tips and tricks.

Your Coach,

Build a professional butt with isometronics!

Click HERE to see the video and learn more.

Smith Machine Frog Pumps

Click the video above, or go straight to the instagram post HERE to read about it.
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