Training your hamstrings: 6 new exercises

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
It's that time of the year again where you bed in for the winter. Comfort food intake goes up while exercise intensity goes down - after all if you get a little fluffy, then your thick winter clothes can cover it up.

While that might be true it's also important to understand that summer bodies are built in the winter. Sure, enjoy a little more food. If you've got something more important to do, then go ahead and skip the gym. You need a life after all. 

Just remember the bigger picture - the way you want to look and feel DAILY. Not just for next summer, not for something to "start in January" (along with your other resolutions!), and not just for a few weeks out of the year.

If you're local then I'm on the hunt for YOU if you're super motivated to start something. Work with me 1-2-1 at my own private garage gym (in Market Harborough) to start achieving your fitness and body goals right now.

Even if you're looking to bed in for the winter, just remember summer will be back around before you know it. Let me take the guesswork out of your training and nutrition. If you're interested then please APPLY USING THIS FORM.
I also offer a train with a friend option, as well as if you want to gift some training to a family member or friend. Just mention this in the APPLICATION FORM and I'll be happy to help.

Yours in fitness,

p.s., if you're not local then you can still train with me on my online coaching program. You can find out more HERE.


Need some new moves to train your hamstrings and glutes? Read my latest article HERE.
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