Abs, abs and more abs

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
This week T-Nation decided to break down an old article of mine in to some mini actionable ab training tips. So, if you're looking for a new way to hit your abs, today I'm sharing 3 nasty options with you.

I was also featured in a collaboration article alongside what I consider some of the top coaches in the world... Nick Tumminello... Christian Thibaudeau and Dr Jade Teta. Having looked up to these guys in the past it was an honour to share some internet space with them. "You can't prove that" is a brilliant read and shares some in the trenches insights that as a trainer/coach are invaluable.

I hope there's a little something here you'll enjoy learning from


...but it's probably true. Read more HERE
Ramp up your Ab roll-outs like THIS!
Try THIS advanced plank variation!
Garhammer Raise for strong abs - find out how HERE.
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