Thank you for sticking with me, and hope you achieve all your fitness goals in 2018😃

How many emails, social media posts, adverts have you seen over the past few days promoting something fitness related for the new year? It's annoying, right?! And good marketers, shoddy trainers, and so called unqualified fitness 'influencers' have ruined the industry with the rubbish they're trying to sell you. It really grinds my gears!!! 

Not all coaching programmes are created equal. I don't want you settling for cookie cutter programmes, or coaches sending you worthless pieces of paper calling it "online training". You're spending the time and effort to workout, to eat well (we'll maybe not over Christmas but hey ho!), you read my emails, maybe even my fitness articles or those of others. You spend all the time to do this, so why settle for a boring cookie cutter programme, or a shoddy online coaching service? You deserve better!


Anyone can promise the world - Only the special can deliver!


I've been a Personal Trainer for over a decade now, and it took me up until a couple of months ago to put together a Distance Coaching system that I'm truly proud of. The initial uptake of people wanting me to train them smashed through my expectations. And the quality of Coaching I'm able to provide, the results so far, and the money I'm saving people is something I'm so proud of. I'm also proud because I've created more than just a 'programme'; I've created a training and nutritional coaching experience…

I'm so proud of what I've created, just wish I was better at making videos haha! I'm a Coach not an Actor, what more do you want ;-)

In two weeks time I'm moving to Melbourne, Australia, for at least a year with my Girlfriend. And I've decided to make this my full-time job now. I'm reaching and helping more people than I ever have before versus just delivering 1-2-1 Coaching, and that's what it's about for me at the end of the day; helping you to be able to train harder and smarter, and saving you time and money. The numerous testimonials on my website from all over the world are what drives me every day to do what I do. I'm truly making a daily impact on peoples health and fitness, how they look and feel, and that's how I know it's a great product and service that I'm proud to shout about.


Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for reading my articles. And to those that were the first to start my Distance training with me, thank you for giving me the support to be able to do this full time.


If you're interested in training with me I'd love to hear from you. Just kindly reply to this email. If you're not then I still appreciate the support, and I hope my emails and articles help you in your own fitness journey in 2018.


Hope you have an awesome 2018 :-)  


Reply to this email if you're interested, or see Testimonals and find out more below...
Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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Thank you for sticking with me, and hope you achieve all your fitness goals in 2018😃

How many emails, social media posts, adverts have you seen over the past few days promoting something fitness related for the new year? It's annoying, right?! And good marketers, shoddy trainers, and so called unqualified fitness 'influencers' have ruined the industry with the rubbish they're trying to sell you. It really grinds my gears!!! 

Not all coaching programmes are created equal. I don't want you settling for cookie cutter programmes, or coaches sending you worthless pieces of paper calling it "online training". You're spending the time and effort to workout, to eat well (we'll maybe not over Christmas but hey ho!), you read my emails, maybe even my fitness articles or those of others. You spend all the time to do this, so why settle for a boring cookie cutter programme, or a shoddy online coaching service? You deserve better!


Anyone can promise the world - Only the special can deliver!


I've been a Personal Trainer for over a decade now, and it took me up until a couple of months ago to put together a Distance Coaching system that I'm truly proud of. The initial uptake of people wanting me to train them smashed through my expectations. And the quality of Coaching I'm able to provide, the results so far, and the money I'm saving people is something I'm so proud of. I'm also proud because I've created more than just a 'programme'; I've created a training and nutritional coaching experience…

I'm so proud of what I've created, just wish I was better at making videos haha! I'm a Coach not an Actor, what more do you want ;-)

In two weeks time I'm moving to Melbourne, Australia, for at least a year with my Girlfriend. And I've decided to make this my full-time job now. I'm reaching and helping more people than I ever have before versus just delivering 1-2-1 Coaching, and that's what it's about for me at the end of the day; helping you to be able to train harder and smarter, and saving you time and money. The numerous testimonials on my website from all over the world are what drives me every day to do what I do. I'm truly making a daily impact on peoples health and fitness, how they look and feel, and that's how I know it's a great product and service that I'm proud to shout about.


Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for reading my articles. And to those that were the first to start my Distance training with me, thank you for giving me the support to be able to do this full time.


If you're interested in training with me I'd love to hear from you. Just kindly reply to this email. If you're not then I still appreciate the support, and I hope my emails and articles help you in your own fitness journey in 2018.


Hope you have an awesome 2018 :-)  


Reply to this email if you're interested, or see Testimonals and find out more below...
Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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Hope you had an awesome Christmas!

Now's the time for experimenting with exercises and workouts, before things get a bit more serious in the New Year.... 

Last week I got together with Personal Trainer Craig Murray to give you some great ideas for some new exercises you can use to keep your training interesting and effective. More of this series of video-based articles to come, but here we show you 7 NEW TRICEPS EXERCISES TO BUILD NEW MUSCLE...

Enjoy :-) 
Are you interested in being part of our ELITE DISTANCE COACHING PROGRAMME, and being Coached By THE FITNESS MAVERICK? Not all Coaches or Programmes are created equal...
Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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Copyright © 2017 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you currently or have previously had a training experience with Gareth Sapstead (aka The Fitness Maverick).

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Retail Unit 5
Rockingham Road
Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE
United Kingdom

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