Hope you're having a great week! I sent this out Sunday, but didn't want you missing out...

In July 2016 I wrote and published THE METABOLIC EDGE. Having published a book or two before with a well-known publisher, I wanted to try and self-publish something....

THE METABOLIC EDGE transformation guide was just that. It's currently on Amazon UK, US and Australia with 5 start ratings.

I learned a lot from writing this book. Mostly that there's a reason that you write for a publisher, instead of trying to do things yourself that are outside of your expertise. Lesson learned; Stick to things that you're good at, and employ people better than you to do the rest!

I'm not a good publisher, it took me ages to work out how to format and publish a book. And by the time Amazon finally accepted it; I was over it! The thrill of self-publishing a small book had gone....

But, I'm bloody awesome at writing programmes, giving advice on training and nutrition, and getting results in the trenches. That's what I'm good at and that's what I'm sticking to!

The book is still for sale on amazon, but because I've now developed bigger and better ways to give (more customisable) programmes to people all over the world, I'm giving away the METABOLIC EDGE E-BOOK for FREE. Just click the link at the bottom, nothing to fill-in and no catches, just make sure you save it to your computer or device :-)

It's a great programme, and if you follow it you'll achieve some really impressive results. But now I have my ELITE DISTANCE COACHING PROGRAMME I regard THE METABOLIC EDGE as old news. And I want to give you the best darn advice and results possible, the most efficient and time-saving way I've found.

Why give it to me then?
I'm giving the book to you because it's still a great programme. I wrote it for the typical 18-30 year old guy that needs a bit of a workout kickstart. That needs to shed some bodyfat quickly, and gain a little muscle. Maybe he's been a little indulgent recently, or slacking on workouts due to motivation or time.

Although its not a customised programme, I created it to suit most guys if the above sounds familiar. It'll also work for some girls too, but just from experience a longer time will need to be spent in the first few weeks of the programme, as adapting and progressing to more advanced exercise variations will take a little longer.

Also, I just like to help people. It's the reason I became a trainer, it's the reason why I spend hours every week giving people my years of scientific and coaching knowledge for free. It's the reason I was awake at 5am this Sunday morning thinking about doing this   
Hope you enjoy the free book 😊
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