Hey - Gareth here

With a bit of luck you've already made a great start to the New Year. Today is the 2nd which means the holidays are officially over (sorry to be a party pooper) and it's time to start making 2019 the year of

For me 2019 holds a few things in store, starting with a move back to the UK in 12 days time. Just like you I have some fitness goals too, so i'll be working hard to
wards achieving them. I also have some work and life goals i'm already taking action on.

I won't go in to the boring details, but one thing I do know is that achieving these goals requires
MEANINGFUL action. If I do nothing then nothing will happen.

When it comes to achieving your body and fitness goals it's no different....

MEANINGFUL action means taking the correct steps in the right direction. It's taking that first step forward, and continuing forward every day. You also need to remember that those steps need to be taken in the RIGHT direction too. We can all work hard, turn on "beastmode" in a workout and feel a little soreness the next day. But it's all meaningless unless it's effort applied in the right direction. And when done correctly it's easier than you think.

Many of us (myself included in the past) try to walk this path alone with signs pointing us in the
WRONG DIRECTION, or multiple signs showing CONTRARIAN DIRECTIONS (a good analogy of the fitness industry overall). 

If you really want to get the directions towards hitting your fitness goals once and for all, then

I'm here to show you the only directions you'll ever need. So if getting in shape for life, for looks, or for sport is one of your goals in 2019 then there's just 4 days left to register your interest in the TFM Coaching Program.

Test me, try my services for yourself and I promise you in just a few months time you'll regret you didn't start sooner.

Reply to this email or click the at the bottom of this page to find out more.

Yours in strength and health



Well done to the over 40 men and women that took part in my 8-week Santa Shred challenge. I'm currently going through some of the results and piles of personal bests achieved. These lovely ladies are just some that have given me permission to share their progress to you all. Proof that even in just 8-weeks you can achieve REALISTIC and SUSTAINABLE results. 
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