The Fitness Maverick Weekly Nut!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
By the time you read it I'll be on a 22h flight from Melbourne to the U.K. My hand luggage will be packed with 3-4 food-prepped meals, lots of reading materials, and some resistance bands for the flight (I'm not joking here, I will genuinely be the weird guy at the back of the A380 doing resistance band exercises, and refusing the free food).

I do this not because I think a day of eating Emirates airlines finest food, or not exercising is bad, on the contrary sometimes we need to plan rest days. I do this to stay as close to a routine as possible. I also do this because it's a sure fire way to help combat the jetlag I'd otherwise be feeling for a few days afterwards.

Side note: Hormonally it takes the number of time zones you cross in days to get completely back to normal. For me that would be 11 time zones, and 11 days for my body to get in hormonal balance again.

As soon as I'm on that jet plane my watch changes to the timezone I'm heading to, and I eat and sleep according to that. Even if that means forcing myself to stay awake, or waiting a little longer for a meal. It's worth it.

What's the lesson in this?

Planning - As the saying goes "Fail to prepare and you'll prepare to fail". If you're trying to stick to a New Years food and fitness routine, without planning each day in advance you're sure to fall off track. Making sure you have access to healthy food options at all times, having the gym bag in your car so you can hit your workout in the spare of a moment, or even just ensuring you get to bed early the day before an early workout. It all matters, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, but it's the planners in this world that make the most of them.

Routine - It's really hard to develop a new healthy routine, or even get used to a new style of workout, but it's way too easy to fall out of it. I know that if I can stick to a 'normal' routine, when I land in the U.K I'll still be on that routine... I wont be hungry.. I wont be stiff from the flight... I shouldn't feel too tired either (hopefully!!). And either way after landing Monday evening U.K time, I'll be hitting a workout Tuesday morning. 

If you've just started forming new habits and a more productive routine then this time can be challenging. Spending a little time planning ahead (and being the weirdo like me if required) will help you stay on track and ensure your success tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next, and the next.... you get the picture.

Wishing you strength and success is 2019,


The most value-driven piece of content you can not afford to miss
My latest article for is HERE. I answer all your common questions about protein; how much you need, if protein shakes really work, what type is the best, what you should know about vegan protein shakes, and much more. It gets in depth in places, but you can skip to the answers you really want to know. Read more HERE.


I recieved a lot of messages about this one when I posted it last week on social media. I love a Safety Bar Squat (SSB) but not all gyms have the bar. So here I show how to modify a straight bar to mimic most of the benefits of a real Safety Squat Bar, including: 

ᏴᎬNᎬFᏆᎢ 1: The SSB reduces torque on the lower back, so great for those with lower back issues.

ᏴᎬNᎬFᏆᎢ 2: The SSB allows the torso to stay more upright, becoming a more "quads dominant" movement.
ᏴᎬNᎬFᏆᎢ 3: The SSB is easier on the shoulders than a traditional squat, so good to avoid upper body injuries or pain.


This video is an oldie but a goodie. If you want to open out your entire upper body these key moves have you covered.
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