The fitness maverick weekly nut

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

Hey - Gareth here.

Hope you're having a great weekend!?

I was super excited this week to have a feature article published on T-Nation. If you're not familiar with T-Nation they are THE most respected website for men serious about their training. They only feature the best articles from top Strength Coaches in the world, so I feel privelaged to be amongst people I remember idolising from when I was around 15 years old. I've got one coming out next month in there too, so keep an eye out for that. 

See the link below for the t-nation article. It's written for the serious lifters and Coaches out there that want to learn about using isometrics to potentiate muscle activation. Great especially for Rugby players and explosive athetes.

Talking of activation, I've got an article for STACK (an ESPN and NFL partner) out the end of next month where I talk "glute activation" drills. You can use these as warm-ups or during the rest periods between sets to help 'rewire' the brain and teach proper glute contraction. They also make great glute finishers. You'll have to wait for that article, but until then check out the exercise videos further down this email for some great glute-busting ideas.

Until next week.
Yours in strength and health


The most value-driven piece of content you can not afford to miss
Push and pull without moving a weight. Sounds odd but it works if you're wanting to get stronger or instantly perform better. Here's how!


Monster Band Walks (video above) are a great example of a "glute activation" drill that can easily be used as part of a warm-up, in-between sets of heavier lifts, or even as a high-rep glute isolator at the end of a workout. For slightly more advanced glute activation drills check out these BANDED CLAM RAISES and these STANDING FIRE HYDRANTS (my personal favourite, especially for knee stabilisation)
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