Is your lack of quality sleep holding you back?

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
"How are you sleeping?"

It doesn't matter if your goals are to get leaner, bigger, stronger of healthier, this is one of the first questions I ask all of my new clients.

Stress hormones going haywire, testosterone plummeting, blood sugars all over the place, and a massive reduction in life expectancy. These are just some of the associated effects of poor sleep (quality and quantity).

Lack of sleep and other things like it (i'll get in to these others another time) I like to call your "nails in a tyre". You see whilst you might be inflating your tyres every day by working out, eating well and ticking all of the boxes, theres always something in your tyres causing them to deflate over time. These are the holes you need to plug to stop the air from escaping, and unless you do you're not going to be traveling far.

Having an injury you're not dealing with is another good example of a nail in the tyre.

Far too often we think about the things that inflate our tyres, rather than what's going to help us plug the existing holes. If sleep is one of them then check out the article below for a few of my favourite sleep tips.

As always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Yours in strength and health,


Read the rest of the article HERE


Check your ego at the door with this one. The SSB Cyclist Squat is a world class quads developerπŸ’ͺ Drop the weight and focus on tension, feel the "mind muscle connection" and slow down the eccentric⬇️

The SSB Cyclist Squat is also a great Vastus Medialis (VMO) strengthener, which is an important factor in patella tracking and for knee health.

Exercise can also be done with a straight bar, although the safety bar allows a more vertical torso (meaning more knee/quads dominant).

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