How to train smarter, and recover harder by optimizing your sleep!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
It doesn't matter if your goals are to get leaner, bigger, stronger or healthier; SLEEP is one of the most important things you should consider.

Without optimizing your sleep, it's like you're driving around with a punctured tyre. Fix that and you might find that with no change to the way you train or eat, you might start to see some results.

Two BIG articles for you today, so i'll save you from having to read anymore.

The first was published at T-Nation last week, where I talk about how to use two-a-day workouts to accelerate progress (by the way PLEASE do not take that as me saying that working out more is better, if you want to train more frequently then you NEED to read this first).

The second article was published at Elite-FTS. If you have some holes in your tyres and aren't sleeping great right now, then you might want to read this before you start stepping on the acceleator pedal.


As always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Also, just to let you know that I have a few spots open for my distance coaching program. I'll skip the hard sale because I know these will be gone by the end of the weekend anyway. But if you've ever considered working with me to organise your training and nutrition for maximum results, please act fast by replying to this email to get more info. I'll take you through a free consultation, and we'll discuss a plan of action from there. Get in touch if you're interested, or just to test the waters if it's the solution you've been looking for. Until then... 

Yours in strength and health,



one of my favourite abdominal exercises for more intermediate/advanced clients. This exercise works to overload the rectus abdominis (six-pack muscle) via an increased eccentric load. If you haven't felt your abs work in a while and you're ready for something a little more advanced, setting up this exercise is well worth it.

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Download Arizona Sunshine For PS4

Download Arizona Sunshine For PS4

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Arizona Sunshine puts you in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, exclusively in VR. Handle weapons with real-life movements, freely explore a post-apocalyptic world, and put your survival skills to the test with PlayStation®VR - putting the undead back to rest is more thrilling than ever before.





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You Spoke, We Listened! Oceanhorn Coming To PS Vita On May 17Th

In September 2016 we released Oceanhorn on PS4 and Xbox One, our very first console game. Since its release we received so much love and overwhelmingly positive feedback from console gaming community. Thank you so much!

Oceanhorn  is our love letter to action adventures from past generations and combines the action and puzzle elements from Zelda games with the emotional journey of the Final Fantasy and Mana series.

Oceanhorn on PSVita in action

Wow these colours pop on the PS Vita screen!

Soon after launch we received many requests from players who'd love a portable PS Vita version of this game so we decided to do a Twitter Poll about it. What followed was an incredible Tsunami of likes and retweets – it blew us away! We are very happy to announce that Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas will arrive on PS Vita on May 17th, 2017.

Taking full advantage of PS Vita

We've been working hard to deliver the same gameplay experience that you've loved on consoles, so we put many hours into optimizing our code. We're very happy to confirm that the whole game runs beautifully on the PS Vita delivering smooth performance all the way through the entire game.

It's just amazing to see the game coming to life on the colourful PS Vita display. Everything looks so expressive, adding an extra punch to the huge variety of islands like rainy forests or scorching desserts. Explore all of them on the go!

The game will take you from the deepest dungeons to the highest skies

Beautiful Game for a beautiful Handheld System

We didn't stop with just porting it, we also added features to take advantage of the Vita in unique ways. You decide if you want to use them or play in a traditional way. First of all we enabled Touch Screen for casting spells and to navigate the menus. This is a very comfortable and direct way of choosing targets or menu options.  Furthermore we enabled PlayStation TV so you can play on the big screen.

Oh and in case you're wondering: The game features its own set of trophies, so all trophy hunters rejoice, another Platinum Trophy to hunt for. Altogether we aimed to deliver a must have for every PS Vita library and it's our way of saying thanks for your support. Cheers!

Korbinian Mossandl// Producer, FDG Entertainment

Turns Out There Are RPGs That Don'T Involve Orcs

So this morning I got to participate in one of the playtest sessions for Zak's superhero game.  I quite liked a lot of what I saw.  Chargen involved a combination of random roll and choices.  The mechanics were similar to FASERIP but replaced the bigass d100 color chart with dice for stats.  (Like Savage Worlds, my Toughness is a d6, my Agility a d8, etc.).  I'm not sure I followed how initiative worked but the GM managed it so I didn't much care.

Anyway, here's my hero, the irrepressible Sewer Lad!

5 minutes with HeroMachine 2.5

His two superpowers are summoning (but not really controlling) lots and lots of rats and his deadly Sewer Touch, the latter of which he is very reluctant to use.  It can, like, melt your face off, man.  I did my best to only threaten to use it in dire circumstances, but I ended up have to corrode a bit of the villain Brick.

Sewer Lad is also a not-particularly-good martial artist and a leading authority on rat biology who works in the small and under-funded Rat House in the City Zoo.  His pal is Tad, a sewer maintenance guy with a big wrench and a heart of gold.

Sewer Lad teamed up with the Arcanist, some sort of dark emo mindbender, to fight the villains Mindvoid, Brick, and Nullifier. I had a great time.


Later this week I'll be trying out the World Wide Wrestling rpg.  This is a Powered by the Apocalypse type story game, so it's a bit out of my usual sort of thing.  It's the first pro wrestling RPG that I like.

If you're interested in playing in the campaign (assuming we don't all hate it after one session), the game is being organized on the DIY RPG discord.  If you're not a member there, just hit me up via email (jrients at the gmail) or twitter or something and I'll send you an invite.

The Final Form Of My Home Made Magnetic Army Transport

I wanted to put out an update to my last post on building a magnetic model transport system for my Convergence.

Just before Captain Con my wife was kind enough to finish making the bag to carry all of the magnetic bins I built. It's frankly huge, but it carries absolutely everything without any issue.

It's huge! Total size is 16" deep, 24" wide, and about 15" tall. In the above picture it's carrying my dice tray, dice, all of my Convergence and a Blacksmiths Guild Ball team, and my sheet pan/tournament tray (sprayed silver).

The bag is semi-rigid, using some foam internally between the fabric to give some stability and padding. My wife did an outstanding job on it.

I got some flak from my Guild Ball friends for how much room I was taking up in the trunk on the drive up, but its awesome.  It fits neatly in my own car's trunk and will be used for all my local travel from now on. This is significantly easier than when I had to use an old PC carrying strap to bind all my cases together to carry the CoC around locally.

In case you didn't see the last post, here are what the cases look like populated with my stuff:


If you compare this to an actual product of equivalent size, it's about what you'd get in a Magna Rack 1520 from Battle Foam.  The racks plus bag for that is $365 plus shipping.  If you add up total materials for my system, I'm likely looking at about $100 max. Of course, I didn't have to pay for any labor in this creation.

On the flip side, I mentioned to my wife that she could probably pull $100 to $150 for a bag like that for other gamers if she tried to make one and she said in no uncertain terms that it flat out isn't worth it for her labor to charge that little.  Apparently the bag was a bit of a pain in the ass for her to make. She was happy to make it for me, but no one else has my charm to convince her it's worth making another.

If I wasn't married to an extremely talented quilter (and all around amazing woman) I'd probably would have to had been more careful when picking out my bins to make sure I could arrange them to fit in a piece of luggage I could buy rather than having the bag being fabricated to meet the specs of what bins I purchased.

I'm very happy to have done this, and I intend on magnetizing my other armies to use this system going forward, though I already have a bunch of foam so I'm not as motivated to go ahead with that. Plus I plan on just using Convergence for a while anyway.

More FreeBSD Tinkering, And Some Coding

So, I spent most of this weekend -- up until the beginning of Sunday -- tinkering with FreeBSD some more. I've added the boring details to my previous entry, in order to keep all related stuff in one place.

I did finally get a bit of time to work on a new project (the same project I was planning to work on last weekend, before realizing that I hate coding on Mac). However, it's still in the early stages, and so I'm not going to go into details yet. There should be interesting stuff to show next weekend.

I Am Setsuna Review (Total Spoilers Alert)

By accident when I was watching a video on the Nintendo Switch, I caught a brief description of the game I am Setsuna which the show promised would be coming to the Switch, I loved the sound of the brief synopsis of the game- the allusions to Chrono Trigger, the 16 bit style RPG genre, and above all the idea of escorting a sacrifice on a mission to save the world. I was overjoyed when I discovered I could already get the game, so I bought it on Steam and played through it within a few month. I had a few days away from the parish on a break in mid-January and that's when I knocked in a few hours tapping at my computer keyboard and conquering this epic RPG. 

I was hoping that the game would offer a different better take on the whole "I must sacrifice myself to save the world" than FFX ended up producing, I was bitterly disappointed when FFX turned out to be an occasion to preach moral relativism, the sham of organised religion, and the ineptitude of sacrifice.... would the plot of I am Setsuna be more noble? I couldn't wait to discover. 

Like always my review is going to be focusing on to what extent the game endorses a Christian worldview/ philosophy... whether it can be a propaedeutic for the values of Christ, whether it inspires the gamer to seek the truth, and to live the moral life.

Character and identity

So, does the game present a clear acceptance of free will and the ability of good and bad uses of the will to alter and pervert character? Does the game have an understanding of vocation- of characters trying to become what they are called to be, of growing closer in approximation to whatever likeness of Christ they are called to reflect?

I know guys, we are talking about a videogame and not a novel, and not real life for that matter either, so our expectations won't be super high, but there should be something that supports a Christian anthropology. 

The characters in I am Setsuna are not overly developed, we get some back stories, especially in the optional side quests, but a lot of the characters are still a little unfleshed by the end of the game, that's ok, a lot of the modern FFs go crazy in trying to put every character in the psychiatrists chair, and they end up doing a really awful job. I am Setsuna is closer to a 16 bit game in the level of characterisation. Chrono had very little depth, Ayla hardly any, and even Marle and Lucca only really had their one special focused sidequest. I am Setsuna gives you enough on each character, and what it gives you, frankly, is pretty good.

Those who follow Setsuna are all wounded in some way, they are all broken, following a broken dream, with a broken past, or destined to be broken to pieces very soon.

A strong thrust of the game is the harm of hatred in corrupting a character, the message is repeated throughout the game that power and hatred and playing God all lead to personal disaster.  

The game faults in failing to present the corruption of evil as corrupting right down into the inner core of the person. Too often in the game it is revealed that the bad guy is a good guy deep down inside, underneath all the hatred and anger that he had worked up. The reality is though, evil reaches the core of the person and whilst, in one sense, everything that participates in being is ontologically 'good', mortal sin makes the very person evil. 

Setsuna, our deuteragonist (alongside a silent player-character called Endir on the lines of Chrono), has the annoying trait of always trying to see the good in everyone, now usually that is virtuous, but you get the sense that if she got thrown in a cage with an angry lion she would try and stroke it rather than shoot it with a gun. This is Setsuna's character, she is a one off, she is the sacrifice, she is the girl that has been chosen to give her life to hold back the monsters, much like Yuna was to give her life in order to bring a period of calm.

Setsuna embraces her call and has no doubts about it throughout the entire plot. Setsuna is resigned and she is resolved, she will be the one to bring life to others. I found it moving when some young guy tells her that he would like to have married her, to which she responds, "I guess you will have to experience this happiness for the both of us", there are some great lines and great moments of motivation for the Catholic Priest who is himself a living sacrifice, and who in celibacy renounces much in order to more effectively renew Christ's sacrifice for the benefit of the world.

None of the characters are escaping their vocation, no one is depicted as finding fulfillment through running away from the pathway that nature and providence has put before them. 

The main gripe I had with some of the characterisation was the role of women in the world of Setsuna. It is a poor cliche of RPGs that they insist on including a woman who is tougher and stronger than all of the men around, in this game there are 2 of them! God's design for women is not to be the bad ass leader of an army who inspires fear in her soldiers due to her strength- this is unnatural and frankly ridiculous, especially in a medieval RPG setting. Setsuna is fine, she is a essentially a white mage, but Julienne, who is the strongest character in the game is given far too many male qualities and the fact that she was female really added nothing to the story, it only made the thing seem ridiculous. The same can be said for the NPC Freyja. I would love to see an RPG which really presents a woman as aspiring towards motherhood, we never see that and yet Almighty God's design if for women to exhibit maternal, nurturing, empathetic virtues. Setsuna in some way fits this mold but it is unfortunate that aside for her there are no maternal icons within the game.

Reality of Objective Moral laws.
Are the actions of characters that are wrong depicted as breaking some moral law, of pricking the conscience, or of harming themselves in some way?

There is clearly a sense that harming another is wrong, that definitely comes across, but, as I mentioned above, sometimes to attack an agressor is virtue, and sometimes evils need to be opposed vigorously. Whilst I am Setsuna clearly presents the abuse of power, and the use of others against their freedom as terrible evils, there is a tendency to justify the evils that people commit by some explaining factor in their past. The monsters are only bad because they keep being given a hard time, the ultimate evil boss in the game had his generosity abused and became the subject of experimentation thus beginning the evil within him,  and so on. A proper Christian worldview should accept that people are characters chose to become depraved by repeated choices of evil- they change.

Occasionally the main character gets a dialogue choice, I think unfortunately sometimes the two options are both immoral, perhaps one is a lie and the other is rude. If there are going to be dialogues and the main character is meant to be the player, the player should be able to make moral choices in his speech, anything else is to trivialise virtue.

Chrono Trigger style dual techs are fun and numerous

Interior Struggle to pursue the good.
We see a couple of instances of this in I am Setsuna. Kir goes through a little bit of a struggle in order to make a choice of self sacrifice, and we are allowed to hear a little bit of his thinking. Again, with Nidr perhaps there is a struggle to overcome his past ghosts and the mistakes he made and to now put things right. Ultimately however Setsuna, who could have had some struggles in her vocation as sacrifice, doesn't really voice them.... the good for her is easy, or so it seems, which is great for her, but not much in the way of encouragement for the gamer's own life struggles

Divine Providence working through free will.
Fate certainly gets a mention throughout I am Setsuna, and there is a sense at the very end of the game that the main character- Endir is somehow a providential and fated individual who has entered into the cycle of sacrifice offerings and will now be able to break that cycle for the good of the world. Setsuna sees this from the very beginning of the game, she has dreamt of Endir, she knows that he is essential to completing her mission, and she knows that she must complete this mission.

Perhaps in Julienne's side quest there is a sense that her recovery of her kingdom is a fulfillment of prophecy and that, nonetheless, she is co-operating to bring it about.

Self Sacrifice for others
Here obviously is the big one for this game. Setsuna sets out selflessly to go to the Last Lands on a pilgrimage to offer herself in sacrifice to somehow keep the monsters at bay for a period of time. Unlike in FFX this is not revealed to be a sham invented by a corrupt religion- the sacrifices do actually work! The only problem is they are less effective than they used to be and so the decision is made that the party will try and kill the source of all the evil rather than keep him at bay by sacrifice of Setsuna. Ultimately however, after they defeat the evil he manages to flee back in time, Setsuna and Endir follow him, Endir manages to destroy his mortal frame, but his spirit seems to be out there seeking another host or something... Setsuna steps in the breech and embraces his spirit, she consoles him, she seems to allow it to enter within her and then, as she has him in her grasp calls on Endir to sacrifice her, in hope that it will also do away with this spirit, will bring him to the next world, and to peace. That's how I interpret the end of the game anyway and I think that is a legitimate reading of it. So Setsuna becomes the last sacrifice who does away with the source of the evil. But ultimately the evil originated in the lust of power, the abuse of magic, through human experimentation
 and through the accumulation of anger and hatred in an individual. The real roots of evil remain, but the present danger and the source of the monsters is now eliminated through this sacrificial offering.

Alongside Setsuna, Kir is another beautiful example of sacrifice, he allows his lifespan to be drastically shortened, essentially, he catches a deadly disease of magic poisoning in order to help our Setsuna on her pilgrimage and restore her to health.

Finally there is Aeterna who is a projection of the Time Judge who is keeping the great evil at bay, once the great evil is defeated, the Time Judge will finally be able to go to her eternal reward and so Aeterna will disappear- a little bit like Tidus being the dream of the Faith. Aeterna has no probs with this fate, but nonetheless it is still very noble of her.

Basic Christian Theodicy- Monotheism, Goodness of creation, understanding of eternal reward/punishment based on moral behaviour.

This is where the game has a couple of unusual Japanesy dodgy bits. There is clearly "a next world" but it seems like a kid of spirit world- we see Setsuna enering this domain at the end of the game. At the same time it seems possible for a character' spirit to inhabit a magic stone and so to remain with the character, watching over them in someway- this is very Japanese, the Kami of Shintoism which are spirits that inhabit inanimate objects. How far this is from the truth! Once we experience death we are immediately judged by Almighty God and go to heaven, hell or purgatory based on the state of our immortal soul. There is no sense in IAS that evil characters go to hell because basically, deep down, everyone is good- that is dodgy and has to be rejected totally- it sounds like some dodgy Redemptorist who has long abandoned the writings of St. Alphonsus, and thinks everyone is going to heaven now.

So whilst we have that unfortunate view of the next life, the positive theodicy is the acceptance of the importance of prayer- that comes across, many characters tell the sacrifice that they will be prayer for her. My memory doesn't serve me on whether there was any mention of God in this game, there certainly wasn't any public religious cult which was unfortunate, so whilst there was prayer, it didn't necessarily make any sense- prayer is directed to a person, or it isn't more than human esteem and empty hope.

There is also a certain reverence towards the sacrifice as a consecrated person, I liked this- sacred things and people should be respected. 


Overall, I really enjoyed this title, I felt that it made up for some of the mistakes of FFX, Yuna finally got sacrificed and in doing so she really did bring calm to the world, the longed for calm. The game isn't a big budget title, it would have been great to see this story and this world on a scale of one of the FFs- that will never happen though. 

There is something a little unfinished or unpolished about the game which stops it reaching the heights of Chrono Trigger, if there had perhaps been another 10 hours of gameplay, a few more side quests and a little bit more narrative, the game would have been a masterpiece. 

The battle system is good, but again, the enhancement of the spritnite with extra qualities didn't come out great in execution. Dual techs were good, as were triple techs. The game has the battle system that Chrono Cross should have had, a slightly tweaked version of CT with a little more depth. 

The soundtrack is enjoyable and keeps the mood of the game, although at times the tracks play for far too short a time- a track will play to catch the mood of about 5 dialogue boxes, them we will get another track!

There is a lot of good in this game and a lot of fine examples of heroism and self sacrifice, the big downer is that evil is not appreciated for how hideous it really is. We are in a battle and we have real enemies who want to drag our souls to hell, I am Setsuna gives the impression that if only our enemies sat in with a bit of talking therapy they would come round to being nice and we could all live in peace- unfortunately that isn't the case, evil can't be trivilialised, sometimes it must be conquered by force.