How to train smarter, and recover harder by optimizing your sleep!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
It doesn't matter if your goals are to get leaner, bigger, stronger or healthier; SLEEP is one of the most important things you should consider.

Without optimizing your sleep, it's like you're driving around with a punctured tyre. Fix that and you might find that with no change to the way you train or eat, you might start to see some results.

Two BIG articles for you today, so i'll save you from having to read anymore.

The first was published at T-Nation last week, where I talk about how to use two-a-day workouts to accelerate progress (by the way PLEASE do not take that as me saying that working out more is better, if you want to train more frequently then you NEED to read this first).

The second article was published at Elite-FTS. If you have some holes in your tyres and aren't sleeping great right now, then you might want to read this before you start stepping on the acceleator pedal.


As always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Also, just to let you know that I have a few spots open for my distance coaching program. I'll skip the hard sale because I know these will be gone by the end of the weekend anyway. But if you've ever considered working with me to organise your training and nutrition for maximum results, please act fast by replying to this email to get more info. I'll take you through a free consultation, and we'll discuss a plan of action from there. Get in touch if you're interested, or just to test the waters if it's the solution you've been looking for. Until then... 

Yours in strength and health,



one of my favourite abdominal exercises for more intermediate/advanced clients. This exercise works to overload the rectus abdominis (six-pack muscle) via an increased eccentric load. If you haven't felt your abs work in a while and you're ready for something a little more advanced, setting up this exercise is well worth it.

WORK WITH ME (in-person or online)
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