Give this glutes workout a try

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
I thought I'd mix it up for you today. No articles, no ton of information to read, just a glutes workout that you'll enjoy benefitting from.

I don't typically write generic training programs, but at least this way you get to see what an effective glutes workout might look like. This would suit more intermediate's, and focuses on a slightly higher repetition range geared towards glute hypertrophy.

When trying to optimally build muscle in any body part I'd typically spend 2-4 weeks in this higher (accumulation) phase of training (using the types of sets and repetitions described below), followed by 2-4 weeks in a slightly lower repetition range (intensification phase). I've found this to produce the best results as far as body composition goes, for about 70% of people.

Give this one a try on your next lower body day.

As always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions regarding the workout.

Yours in strength and health,


Click on the exercise to view a YouTube video
A) Barbell Hip Thrust 1.5 Method - 4 x 8 reps, 2020 tempo, 90 seconds rest between sets.
B) Dumbbell Deficit Split Squat - 3 x 10 reps L/R, 2010 tempo, 60 seconds rest between sets.
C) Landmine RDL - 4 x 12, 2010 tempo, 60 seconds rest between sets.
D) Dumbbell Deficit Squat 1 and 1/4 Method - 4 x 12, 2020 tempo, 60 seconds rest between sets.
E1) Smith Machine Glute Extension (frog stance) - 3 x As many as possible (AMRAP), 1010, rest 10 secs.
E2) Banded Clam Raises - 3 x AMRAP, 1010 tempo, 60 seconds then back to E1.
F) TRX/Suspension Roll-Outs (for some abs, why not!?) do 3 sets of as many as you can with good form to finish.

Note, tempo refers to the speed of your movements. I express these as 4 numbers. #1 Eccentric (lowering), #2 bottom of movement, #3 concentric (lifting), #4 top of movement. So for example 2010 would mean 2 seconds to lower, 0 seconds at the bottom, 1 second as you raise, 0 seconds at the top.


Smith Machine Glute Extensions in a Frog Stance position. I may have invented these or I may not, either way I've not seen these being performed elsewhere until I started writing about them a few years ago. It doesn't matter where they came from, all you should really know is that they're a great high-reps glute exercise when performed correctly. This is exercise E1 in the workout above (superset with the clam raises), and notice how in the video i've got the set-up in the smith machine, hips just off the bench, and heels together with knees out. Also notice the slight rounding of the upper back, to further encourage some glute activation. If you try no exercises in the above workout, I'd highly encourage you do this one if you're currently taking applicants for a new favourite exercise.

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