Protein chocolate mousse... with avocado!?

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Have you ever tried a chocolate mousse made with avocado? Granted it's a bit weird, but were's your chance to try something new and health. It's got a bit of extra protein in there too for good measure.

Once you've made and eaten that, you can burn it off with a few suspended jumps for time. That's our exercise for the week this week, and yes it's simple but sometimes when it comes to conditioning and interval-style training simple is often best. 

Have a great weekend.

Yours in strength and health,


The most value-driven piece of content you can not afford to miss
You'll find my Chocolate Protein Mousse recipe HERE.


Conditioning training and intervals should be simple. Picking the right exercises are key, so that even when your heart is going ten to a dozen, and your legs and lungs are on fire, your technique is still first class. One of the reasons I hate burpees for example are because even at the best of times the technique is often questionnable.

You can't go wrong with basic jumps performed in a suspension trainer or TRX. Pretty good tchnique can be maintained throughout a highly fatiguing set, and there's not too much force wrecking your knees and hips when a suspension trainer is involved.

Try these for timed intervals, say as a superset or circuit with some other moves, or simply 30 seconds work followed by 30 seconds of rest (or 20:40 for beginners).

When it comes to conditioning/interval training remember: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid!

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