Angry elbows and triceps training

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

If you're in constant pursuit of bigger triceps, or just looking to banish your bingo wings with a lot of arms stuff, there's something you should know.

Smashing your triceps with repeated reps of poorly aligned exercises can often result in inflammation and elbow pain. Sure, you might be popping turmeric pills like a rockstar, but there's only so far natural anti-inflammatories will take you.

Pick exercises that put you in good alignment and it's possible to build bigger triceps without the unnecessary elbow ware and tear. Here's how I like to see it:

"Think of your elbows a hinge joint much like the hinges on your car door. If you repeatedly try forcing movement from your car door in a direction the hinges aren't operational in, well, you'll end up needing new hinges." - excerpt from my latest article at

We'd all love a Lamborghini with vertically opening doors, but if you start treating your standard car doors like they open in the same way, you'll end up ripping them off. Your elbows are the same, apart from repeated and poorly aligned forces result in inflammation and pain.

If it sounds like you might be moving your hinges in the wrong way, or just looking to train smart you can read the triceps solution in my article HERE, including 5 exercises you might want to try (if you're one of my clients with cranky elbows you might recognise some of them).

Hope you get lots of value out of this one. Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or would like my help.

Yours in strength and health,


Build stronger triceps – without all the wear and tear – by using X cables. Try THESE inflammation-free exercises.
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