Eat whatever you want to eat

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
'Tis the season of eating more junk.

More sugar, more fat, more processed stuff.

Less fibre, less protein, less REAL food.

I don't care what way of eating you subscribe to....keto...paleo...vegan...caveman... hobbit (okay that's not a real one, but wouldn't surprise me if eating hobbit-size meals became an actual thing). Anyway...

I don't care what you are. But over this holiday season I do care it you:

A) Enjoy your food.
B) Do what makes you happy (even if that means skipping workouts and eating a few extra calories). And,
C) Don't feel guilty about it. Even for a second!

I always preach to my clients about workout and diet sustainability in the long run, and part of that is allowing yourself to say "it's okay". Especially if it allows you to enjoy time with your family more.

Live and let live.

Happy holidays!
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