Build glutes that'll melt the internet!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Okay, so there's an awful lot of butt stuff I'm writing and filming recently. But who doesn't like a good derrière, especially if it means you'll have a stronger back, burn more calories, and fill out your jeans more (in the right area). No ne likes a guy with a pancake ass either!

A good glutes-focused training plan will always combine bent-knee hip hinging (bridges, hip thrusts), some hip hinging (deadlift variations, back-extensions), and some single-leg work that'll load your glutes in their stretched position (high step-ups, deficit reverse lunges). Obviously the exact exercises you use and how you program them will depend on a lot of factors, but you get the idea.

Today I cover a few of these, including one of my favourite glute-focused deadlifts, and how to split squat to target either your glutes or quads. Check them out below.

Yours Coach,

P.s; If you want to avoid the January rush then now's a good time to start planning your New Year body goals. Apply for my online coaching program and let's chat over the phone how I can best help you. Reply INTERESTED to this email and I'll send you a form to get the ball rolling. Even if you want to start in January, planning now will get you closer to that end goal.

This deadlift will help you build glutes that melt the internet! 

Find out how to melt the internet HERE.

Split squats for your glutes and legs 

Lower body day just got more interesting. HERE are two ways to start using split squats.
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