3 Ways to ACTIVATE your glutes (and why)!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Hey! Straight to it this week with a top pick article and an appearance in Muscle & Strength.

If you're interested in butt stuff, or my take on some instagram exercise stupidity check out the links below. 

Yours in strength,

p.s., I'm super excited to announce that my e-book guide of "Maverick" glutes & hamstrings exercises will be coming out real soon. over 30,000 words, 88 exercises with video links, and around 200 pictures (and yes if you're one of my in-person or online clients you'll be getting this for FREE). The designer tells me any day now, so hopefully I'll be announcing it on here real soon (along with some other VERY exciting news)!!!  

3 Ways to Activate Your Glutes

Glute "activation" drills are all the rage. Find out my take on them and my favorite way to incorporate them HERE at t-nation.

Appearence in Muscle & Fitness 

It was a pleasure to be asked to contribute to Muscle & Fitness, and provide my take on the exercise nonsense you see above. HERE's what I had to say.
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