Develop stronger more resilient hamstrings with these!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Hey! Gareth here...

I hope you're having a great weekend. If you ever find yourself with some free time, check out some of the latest stuff I've been writing about on the web.

I've got something BIG to share with you real soon and I can't wait. Hopefully next week!! Until then...

Yours in strength,

The best hamstring curl you can't do (until now)!

Nordic hamstring curls can help you develop insane strength, while bulletproofing you from potential injury. HERE'S how to do them without needing a partner or any specialist equipment.

Advanced glutes exercises 

If you've mastered the basic glute lifts then you'll want to know about these (also useful for single lazy butt cheeks!). Read HERE.

The most effective way to do lateral raises 

Get wider shoulders, faster, with THIS special technique.
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