Last month I launched my Online Group Training Programme, and I couldn't be more grateful for the quality of people I've got taking part in these programmes right now. I'm so proud of the results that are coming through already, guys and girls.

THIS WEEKEND I'M OPENING UP SPOTS TO ENROL ON MY GIRLS ONLY PROGRAMME. That's not because I hate training guys, well most of the time haha; it's because I can only offer so much of my time to so many clients, and the girls have been killing it in the gym. So, I'd love to expand my MAVERICK GIRLS PROGRAMME and make it even bigger.

It wouldn't be fair to start you 4 weeks down the line where things get a little harder for my current group. You'd be starting from the beginning WEEK 1, DAY 1, which kicks off THIS MONDAY.

This women's only Coaching Programme is designed for fat loss driven body transformation, as well as gaining muscle shape in all of the right areas. Phase 1 (which you'll be starting at) focuses on glute training for 4 weeks, as well as the rest of the body. Then Phase 2 progresses to abs focused training and more advanced movements in the gym.

NUTRITION and DIET PLAN and everything else you'd expect from a great programme is of course included. I'll also MONITOR each and every workout you're completing, as well as be there for HELP and COMMUNICATION whenever you need it. As I said it's like 1-2-1 training with me. In fact I believe it's THE future of Personal Training.

I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to be a part of this. I'm looking for some awesome clients to match the many I have already making me a happy Coach every single day.

This is why I'm also offering you as an email subscriber 10 DAYS COMPLETEY FREE. So, nothing to pay for the first 10 days on the programme, and then just £19.99 a month after that to be trained by me.

And to make it completely hassle free, anytime you're on the programme or during your trial period you're free to cancel anytime you like. You'll even still get to keep my training app, as well as your nutritional plan.

But if you're still reading this right now then I know you're the type of person that sticks with things if they know it's good for them.

Just kindly respond to this email and I'll hook you up with everything you need to know, and ready to start your 10 day free trial. Bring on Monday!

Have a great day


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