One of the easiest HEALTHY recipes you'll EVER make [My fudgey energy balls]

I've got a great recipe for you guys today! Actually to be honest I wouldn't even call it a recipe, it's so easy to make its pretty much just chucking a load of stuff in to a bowl and you're 95% done. Happy days!

If you're a snacker, or you get evening cravings then these are sure to hit the spot!

I must do at least 2-3 new recipes every week of things like this, from healthy cakes and breads, to ice creams and bars. A lot of them involve chocolate to be honest 😉 But all recipes are healthy, and typically gluten and refined-sugar free, with some vegan, some paleo, some low carb, a mix really to suit all types of diets.

The best recipes most of the time I post on my Instagram account first (if you're not following me then you're missing out 😉 @thefitnessmaverick), but today I thought I'd share this one with you guys first. As I said these are one of the easiest things I've EVER made, and something that I make a batch of nearly every week, in all different flavour combo's….

These are my Orange & Pistachio Energy Balls. They're gluten free, vegan, refined sugar free, healthy and sweet and tasty as hell! They're also great to make with the kids. I'd challenge you to just eat one of them at a time. Trust me, it's hard!

You'll need:

  1. 1 cup Medjool Dates, pitted. Finely chopped or thrown in the food processor.
  2. ½ cup Almond Meal or Ground Almonds
  3. 2 TBS melted Coconut Oil
  4. 2 TBS Chopped Pistachios
  5. 1 TBS zest of an Orange


  • In a food processor (or by hand in a mixing bowl) pop in the Dates, Almonds and Coconut Oil, and half of the Orange Zest, and mix until it forms a texture somewhere in between a batter and a dough.
  • If the mixture's too wet, then just add more Almond Meal. If too dry, then add a little more Coconut Oil.
  • On a chopping board or any dry surface, have the remaining Orange Zest, and the chopped Pistachios spread out ready to coat the balls in.
  • Get your hands in and dirty, grab a small portion of the mix about the size of a golf ball and roll in the palm of your hands until a good lookin' ball is formed.
  • Roll each ball well in the chopped Pistachios and Zest, coating well. If you need more Pistachios or Zest then get some, more coating the better!
  • Place each finished ball in to an airtight Tupperware.
  • Place in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours before eating. You could eat straight away but the balls could be a little soft.
  • Quick tip: These actually taste better after a few days refrigerated, as the zest gets to work flavouring the entire ball. It's friggin awesome!

Have fun, make some balls, and enjoy 😊

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