Do your hips a favour and try this #1 mobility move (video)😎

Hey! I've got a great little video for you today...

People complaining of "tight hips" is one of the most common things I hear in gyms, from people that are body aware. It's up there with hearing of tight backs and hamstrings. 

When it comes to backs and hammies however, most of us know a few things we can do to stretch them out and mobilise the area. But when it comes to the hips, it's a little harder to think of a go-to move. That's why I decided to film one of my favourites (with a few friends ;-)).The hips can be tight for a number for reasons, but with this awesome little move it's pretty much got you covered.

Remember this is for if you're feeling a little bit tight in the hips, immobile, or just want to improve your squat depth. If you have any symptoms of pain a quick stretch and mobility session wont cut it. Seek a therapist.

This 1-minute video could be the solution to tight hips you've been looking for, enjoy!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Repeat both positions for 20-30 seconds, minimum, before switching sides. Perform as many times during the day as you have time for.
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