Travel fitness hacks + more

Happy holiday weekend!

I've literally just hopped off a flight returning from a short vacation in the Gold Coast.

And trust my luck it rained nearly every day , so I had lots of time to write some stuff and planning a couple of top secret projects that I've had on the go quietly for some time now. More about that hopefully in a month or so.

Anyway I've got a couple of things for you.

First off if you're a frequent traveller for business, or even planning a holiday anytime soon, this piece will save you from that dreaded weight gain we all experience from changes in daily routine.

And here's a random travel fact: A 6-hour aeroplane flight exposes you to roughly the same amount of radiation you'd get from eight dental x-rays!

Secondly after a demand for it I've created a facebook closed discussion group. It's for those that want to share questions with others, ask me questions and share their own fitness and nutrition journeys and tips to help others. It's gained over 300 members since created a day ago, so be sure to come join the group. There's a good mixture of people, but everyone shares the same interest.
Links below :-) Have a good long weekend
Article: Keep your plan on track when traveling
Welcome to the Facebook closed discussion group
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More new healthy recipe ideas you'll love😀

Over the past 24 hours, three recipes have gone live on the THE FITNESS MAVERICK WEBSITE. I'm putting together diet approved recipes at the moment quicker than I can get them on the website, so expect to see even more on the website soon once they're written up.

In the meantime you've got a few recipe ideas to check out. All of which are great meal prep ideas, or super quick breakfast options.

Anyway I'm off now to write up more recipes. Hope you enjoy these ones, and as always let me know if you've tried them.

Stay awesome
Recipe: Maple Cinnamon Granola (GF, Vg)
How To: Simple 4-Step Breakfast Smoothie Bowls (GF, Vg)
Recipe: Roasted Salmon and Summer Veggie Traybake (GF)
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
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The Fitness Maverick
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Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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How to make these natural PROTEIN SNACK BARS for less than 30p each🙌

These homemade protein snack bars have been a huge hit this week, both in my household (namely me eating about two batches of them), and on social media when I posted about them earlier in the week.

These Vanilla Macadamia Protein Snack bars are completely natural, and nothing like the processed junk you often get in supermarkets or online. They're super versatile, as most bars are, but you'll know exactly what you're eating. And as a bonus I managed to make them for just 30p each bar, how's that for convenient and cost effective.

Once you've got the ingredients (some you might have already) you can make batches and batches of these for just pennies.

Let me know how you get on with the recipe, and if you added any exciting extras to it (I've suggested a few). A great easy meal prep idea for this weekend :-)

Have fun
Recipe: Homemade natural protein bars
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

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Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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NEW article about running + FREE magazine and more😊

Hey, how's your weekend going?

I've got a few things to share with you today, so i'm going to keep it short and snappy. There's something in here for everyone, so no excuses you should all be inspired this weekend to get out and do something challenging, whether it be try a new workout, go for a new PB, or try a new healthy recipe. 
This week our new monthly health and fitness digital magazine was released. The response to it was great, and we're pleased to say the team are already working on next months issue.
If you didn't download this FREE mini magazine then you're missing out. Just find it in the link below.
I've just written a NEW ARTICLE and popped it up on the main website. I wrote this one on a whim, in all of about 5 minutes. It was sparked by my passion for leading a 'complete' health and fitness lifestyle. If you want to lead a long healthy life these things are important. To be able to run is human. Key words "be able to". Check it out. 
You Don't Have to Be a Runner to Run
This weekend i'm opening up a few more slots on my online training programme. I help people eliminate exercise boredom, maximise time, and teach you how you should actually be eating. START TRAINING WITH ME TODAY FOR FREE. No charge for 7 days + money back guarantee.

I couldn't make things easier for you to eliminate excuses for not starting a new health and fitness plan, so check out the link below if you'd like to find out more. Or simply reply to this email and i'll send you a consultation form right away. 
And that's a wrap! Have a great weekend!
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Market Street
South Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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NEW article about running + FREE magazine and more😊

Hey, how's your weekend going?

I've got a few things to share with you today, so i'm going to keep it short and snappy. There's something in here for everyone, so no excuses you should all be inspired this weekend to get out and do something challenging, whether it be try a new workout, go for a new PB, or try a new healthy recipe. 
This week our new monthly health and fitness digital magazine was released. The response to it was great, and we're pleased to say the team are already working on next months issue.
If you didn't download this FREE mini magazine then you're missing out. Just find it in the link below.
I've just written a NEW ARTICLE and popped it up on the main website. I wrote this one on a whim, in all of about 5 minutes. It was sparked by my passion for leading a 'complete' health and fitness lifestyle. If you want to lead a long healthy life these things are important. To be able to run is human. Key words "be able to". Check it out. 
You Don't Have to Be a Runner to Run
This weekend i'm opening up a few more slots on my online training programme. I help people eliminate exercise boredom, maximise time, and teach you how you should actually be eating. START TRAINING WITH ME TODAY FOR FREE. No charge for 7 days + money back guarantee.

I couldn't make things easier for you to eliminate excuses for not starting a new health and fitness plan, so check out the link below if you'd like to find out more. Or simply reply to this email and i'll send you a consultation form right away. 
And that's a wrap! Have a great weekend!
Copyright © 2018 The Fitness Maverick, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have opted in to our mailing list, or you have had or currently embarking on a training experience with Team Maverick

Our mailing address is:
The Fitness Maverick
Market Street
South Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria VIC 3205

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