New (FREE) Women's Health & Fitness Magazine is here🙌

I've kept this a secret for some time now but finally I've done it. Well actually "we've done it", with the help from a very supportive girlfriend. A FREE Women's Health and Fitness Magazine. And you'll literally be one of the first EVER readers. Thank you for your continuing support and hope you'll stay with us as this magazine grows month on month.


For the guys out there don't dismiss it however, you've got two options as far as we can see it: Either gift it to your partner, colleague, daughter, or someone who would love to get it free every month. OR you take a look inside, because we know you'll enjoy the recipes. And if you're feeling super adventurous you might even try our idea for a homemade face mask.

We hope you have a great weekend and enjoy our little gift for you. And HAPPY MOTHERS DAY for all you awesome mums in the UK (in Australia it's not until May, but hey we've got the hot weather to enjoy this weekend instead ;-)).

Mums (and Women) everywhere, you rock!
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