Don't back squat. Do this instead😀


Most of us have a love-hate relationship with squats. We generally hate doing them, but we love the feeling afterwards.


Now I'm a big believer that back squats as you typically think about them aren't 'essential', and in fact trying to heavy back squat for many can actually be dangerous and completely unnecessary. That's not me saying they're a bad exercise, they're great; they're just not right for everybody to be doing.


BUT I do believe everyone should be doing some form of squatting exercise in their plan, and be able to perform at least a bodyweight squat with good depth, pain free. Since as we get older we all want to maintain our ability to sit on a toilet, right!? It's a basic human movement pattern we should all be able to do, for as long as we're able-bodied.


So in your programmes you might be squatting with a bar, with a dumbbell, kettlebell, Goblet style, using a TRX, the list can go on and on. But there's nothing like the benefits of being able to execute a proper box squat.

Here's Alex practicing a box squat at our local Melbourne gym.

Why is a box squat so special you ask? Well here's why you should consider giving it a go if you're ready for it:

  1. It's more Glute dominant than a traditional 'up-down' squat. Sitting your weight backwards on to a bench or box engages more Glutes.
  2. What's the worst that can happen. If you sit down and can't stand up at least you've got a chance for someone to run over and help. Albeit slightly embarrassing.
  3. You have an opportunity to keep an eye on your knees. Notice how your knees sometimes collapse in during a squat. Well sitting down gives you a chance to pop those puppies out again and perfect your knee positioning.
  4. It allows you to develop good depth. By gradually taking the height of the seat or box down you can find the best depth to suit you.
  5. Less stress on the knees.
  6. You can practice your dodgy breathing technique. Always think "breathe out on the effort". In a squat it's on the way up.
  7. More confidence to use a barbell.
  8. It makes you look pretty hardcore, especially with a bar or safety bar on your back.

So, give a box squat a go in your next lower body workout and feel the difference for yourself. Remember to just "sit back as though sitting on a toilet seat" and you'll be perfecting it in no time.


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