Try these "Butt Scratchers" to hit your abs

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
"Butt scratchers" - appropriately named after how a dog looks when it's trying to wipe its butt on your carpet. Performed going backwards they can be an excellent exercise to hit your abs. These particularly hit the 'lower' fibres of your 'six-pack' muscle, as it works with its natural function of posteriorly tilting the pelvis.

if you don't have sliders then don't worry. watch the video to find out more.

Brownie points for trying these on your living room floor. Even an old magazine will work as a tool to slide with. feel free to tag me on social media if you do (@thefitnessmaverick).

Have a great weekend!
Try 3 sets of 12-20 reps for that pummelled abs feeling. The idea is to tuck your pelvis under, behind your arms. Hold here for a second to really feel it work.
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