Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

Your healthy eating may have been thrown off for a few days but now it's time to get back on it. So I thought I'd use this as an opportunity to show you how to format your daily diet.

I've been asked recently why I've been adding so many new recipes to the website. The answer is basically so I can refer my online clients to relevant recipes in their diet plans; to give them ideas and multiple options to keep things exciting. But that doesn't mean you can't make use of some of the recipes on there too.

Everyone has different calorie and macro targets that are best suited to them (I refer to this as diet "quantity"), but the "quality" and types of food everyone should be eating are the same. Adjust your "quantity" accordingly but as far as quality goes here's my ideal food day.
BREAKFAST: Protein Smoothie Bowl
SNACK: Homemade Protein Bar
LUNCH WHEN BUSY: "Maverick" Frittata with a big salad
POST-WORKOUT: Energy Balls + Protein Shake
DINNER: Meat or Fish Tray Bake
FEELING PICKY: Natural Chocolate Mint Ice Pop
This is just to provide an example, and days can vary. But as you can see no over restriction. Generally higher protein without over consuming, moderate fats coming from healthy varied sources, and moderate carbs around the times they are needed. Very simple, very easy.

The great thing is that much of this food is usually meal prepped beforehand, batch made, or can even be leftovers from the day before. It's easy when you're on top of it and much cheaper than buying some of these pre-made foods ready made.

Over restriction and lack of diet creativity is the biggest problem I see when people begin to get of track with their diet. And when diet goes off track as does training a lot of the time.

Stay or track by being creative and limiting over restriction. You'll never need a cheat day again.

Stop being boring!
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