Farmers carries, bigger arms and advice for trainers

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Hey! Gareth here...

This past week I've had two articles drop, and a podcast I want to tell you about....

If you're seeking an efficient way to do farmers walks in your crowded commercial gym, then check out my solution HERE.

Alternatively if you're in constant pursuit of bigger arms, then try implementing some forearm building exercises to work on the weakness in the chain. THESE exercises will get them growing.

It was a pleasure to be invited to chat shop on The Fitness Devil Podcast with Canadian trainers Dean Guedo and Andrew Coates. If you're a trainer or aspiring trainer this is a must-listen. I cover:
  • Exercise prescription and the need to justify.
  • The fine line between a circus act exercise, and creating a "new" exercise to solve a problem.
  • The realities of online coaching and how to do it WELL.
  • Why nothing beats in the trenches experience and working with real people.
  • Honest truths about the fitness industry that as an aspiring trainer you'll want to hear!
You can listen on all major podcast platforms, some of which I've provided links below.

I hope you enjoy, and as always feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions.

Yours in strength,

Appearance on The Fitness Devil Podcast

Click the icon above to listen on my website, or tap for iTunes, Spotify, or Google.

Build bigger forearms with this move 

Check out THESE neat takes on the wrist roller exercise..

How to perform loaded carries in a crowded gym 

Farmers carries are a great exercise. HERE'S how you can perform them when your space is limited.
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