Happy New Year!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

I know you've got lots of fun planned for today, but I just wanted to take a minute to wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

2019 was a big focus on personal and business growth for me. While hitting these goals, i'm pleased to say that with a busy schedule of 1:1 clients, online clients and writing (around 70 international articles this year), i've not sacrificed on my own health and fitness.

I've got a LOT of exciting things planned for this year. Which means a lot of useful stuff coming your way....

My in-person clients will get access to more and more equipment as I continue to invest in my own Maverick training space.

I'm constantly updating how I deliver my online coaching services, with better platforms, more interaction, better tracking of your workouts, and better results.

And I continue to write for the biggest fitness publications, with some hardcover magazine features coming this year.

I've got some big fitness goals this year too. More about these at a later date. But I'd love to hear yours and if I can help you more?

Cheers to 2020 and another great year!
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