Bodyweight strength and conditioning from home

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Hey! I hope you're having a great weekend!?

This week I'm bringing you some exercises you can do from home using a foam roller - they're not just for rolling on or gathering dust, afterall!

There are some other great exercise ideas and a fitness challenge this week, too. If you follow me on instagram you'll have seen what I'm talking about. Here's another chance for you to try the broomstick crunch challenge.

Also, who would have guessed that making banana bread would be the 'thing' many folks would turn-to during a time like this. So, I've included a healthy version below. An older recipe of mine that's never a letdown. 

There's more than enough reading and baking here to keep you busy for a few hours of self-isolation. Take care and hope it helps.

Yours in strength and health,

Bodyweight strength and conditioning from home

Read how to make the most of your own bodyweight and a foam roller HERE.

Have you tried the broomstick crunch challenge? Click the instagram post below to find out more.... 

Healthy banana bread recipe (it's foolproof!!) 

Tip: How to do the Janda Sit-Up 

Turn off your hip flexors to better recruit your abs. HERE'S how.

Tip: To build your triceps use the Gagne triceps extension 

The Gagne triceps extension was popularised by the late Charles Poliquin. HERE'S my take on it.
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