Make ab rollouts 26% harder! And the BEST minimal equipment alternatives.

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

In case you didn't know, I'm a HUGE fan of the ab wheel rollout.

Who would've known that something originally seen on some cheesy shopping channel, would eventually become accepted as one of THE best core exercises. Studies confirm it and so do the real-world results of using one.

If you're not doing these right now in one form or another, then there's no better time to start than right now.

If you have an ab wheel then check out my article below. I share a sneaky little "hack" to make them more effective. If you don't have one though, no problem. I've got your back.

Scroll down and check out some other creative ways to achieve (almost) the same effect. Including a version that only requires bodyweight.

If you've got some time on your hands then you might as well spend it improving your core strength.

As always if you need any help just send me a reply.

Yours in strength,

Make ab rollouts 26% harder!

THIS simple trick will switch off your hip flexors and make your abs work harder.

Don't have an ab roller at home? Try the Hand Walkout! 

The Ab Hand Walkout is one of the best bodyweight core exercises, and a great alternative if you don't have access to an ab wheel. Watch the video to listen to the key coaching points.

If you have dumbbells try the Dumbbell Ab Walkout 

The same coaching tips from the ab hand walkout apply, with the exception of with these you'll be coming out of and back in to a squat. You only need some light dumbbells here.

If you have dumbbells try the Dumbbell Ab Walkout 

Another alternative you might try is using a magazine. I've had a few of my online coaching clients use these, and while some LOVE them, others not so much. You can decide.

Click the video to hear me describe the technique.

If you have a suspension trainer try it like this

I know some of you have access to a suspension trainer of some kind (rings, TRX etc.). If so here's the best way to roll-out using one.

Or how about a foam roller walkout...?

Using a foam roller can also be an effective way to do it. These were featured in an article of mine a few weeks back.

Finally, if you have a stability ball here's how you should do them

If you have a stability ball these are an entry-level rollout that can also be useful.
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