Have you tried this viral fitness challenge yet?

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
Last week I got together with Fredrik Ferrier (TV's "Make in Chelsea") to create and promote a challenge - a fitness challenge to rule them all...

Plank challenges are old news. They're also pretty boring...

Push-up challenges can be okay, but there's only so many you can do...

The "back plank challenge" kicks the butt of both these challenges. Not only is it a true challenge of your strength, it's a true challenge of the kind of muscle strength you actually need to be working more on right now.

So far the response has been huge! If you want get involved too, click on Fred's instagram post directly below. Alternatively if you want to find out why everyone should try the back plank challenge then you can read the article below. 

I look forward to seeing your entries,

How and why you should back plank at home

Learn HERE why the back plank is a useful home exercise, and why it makes a good challenge (hint: if you've done 100x push-up challenges you NEED these in your life).

Tip: The full body burner you can do with a cable or band.

Reaching split squats work your butt, back, legs and heart. Find out how to do them HERE (You can also do these with a resistance band at home).
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