Hey there, hope you've been having an awesome weekend?!
I thought it was about time I wrote something about glute training, but not for girls; for guys...

I've even made a programme for you... YES a butt training programme for blokes, for free!!

I could quite easily write an article full of puns and innuendo; We're talking about butts after all. Glutes, ass, arse, tushy, booty, the money maker… whatever you want to call it, glute training is important! Because STRONG glutes are important. Good glutes make you stronger, faster, less injury prone, and hotter! It's just a fact: Girls like big butts and they cannot lie… you other brothers can't deny… (ok I'll stop with the references now)!!

If you want to check out this nice short read, get some glute exercise ideas (for guys and girls), access the nice little downloadable programme i've put together, or even if you want to laugh at a few videos of me training glutes then check out the article below....
Got 5 minutes? Quickie read + Programme
Got no time? Just gimme the programme!
Have a great weekend:-)
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