Oreo Cheesecakes and glutes!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell
This week I'm bringing you some effortless oreo cheesecake, and some not-so-effortless butt and hamstring exercises. A great combination if you ask me.

These were some of my most popular pieces of content from the past week or so, and for good reason. Oh, and by the way did I mention the Oreo cheesecakes are only 187 calories a pop, with over 13g of protein!? You'll definitely want to try these!

Hope you're keeping well and safe.

Yours in strength,

Recipe: Macro-friendly and effortless Oreo cheesecake!

A cheesecake that won't ruin your waistline. Give it a try HERE.

Instagram Post: 10 variations to hit your glutes & hammies 

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