TOP 5 healthy quarantine recipes you need in your life!

This week's highlights and best content in a nutshell

After the launch of my new book last week I've been getting a ton or really awesome feedback. A lot of it from some top trainers and coaches. If you want to check out what folks are saying you can do that HERE.

Today though, I wanted to move past the whole book 'thing". If you're thinking about it then you already know where to find if, if you've purchased it already then I love you forever, or if you've not then no problem. I appreciate your support either way.

So, for a completely different twist on things here are my top 5 healthy "sweet-treat" recipes you can cook at home. These are tried, tested and proven in my own kitchen. I really think you'll enjoy baking and eating them. 

Yours in strength,

Sweet and Salty Freezer Fudge

Go on, you know you want to!

Bodybuilders Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake 

Healthy High-Protein Banana Bread 

Hotcakes (a breakfast staple)

Sweet Potato Brownies (no, regular potatoes don't work!)

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